Happy Monday Chemists! DQ: What is the name of this chemical compound: P 4 S 9 Today: 1.Return Work 2.Science Binder Check 3.Go over Naming Practice Handout 4.Complete Naming Mind Map 5.Complete Naming Practice Handout
Year-Long Section 1.Period Table (white with color coding) 2.Graphing Study Guide (blue ½ sheet) 3.Draw a Scientist (white) 4.Science Notebook section outline (green ¼ sheet) 5.Journal Entry Requirements (Pink) 6.Course Outline (blue) 7.First Week Scavenger Hunt (yellow) 8.Safety Quiz (green) 9.Safety contract (yellow)
Inquiry EMPTY
Assessment 1.Bonding Quiz (white, 1 page) 2.Review for Bonding Quiz (white, 1 page) 3.Intro to Science and Chemistry Test (white packet) 4.Review for Intro to Science and Chemistry Test (white packet)
Journal 1.Naming Mind Map (yellow) (10/24/14) 2.Chem Log 3 (white)***Not graded yet but this goes here*** (10/20/14) 3.Comprehensive Practice sheet (pink) (10/17/14) 4.Practice with Ionic and Covalent Bonding (blue ½ sheet) (10/15/14) 5.Bonding Mind Map (green) (10/15/14) 6.Modeling Chemical Bonding packet (white) (10/14/14) 7.Element Exploration Peer Interview and Reflection (pink) (10/13/14) 8.Chem Log 2: Mixing Substances (10/7/14) 9.Element Exploration Packet (blue) (9/30/14) 10.Nova – Hunting the Elements (yellow) 11.Chemistry Basics Practice (blue ½ sheet) (9/23/14)
Journal 12. Chemistry Basics Mind Map (white) (9/23/14) 13.Phase Change Diagram (yellow ¼ sheet) (9/23/14) 14.States of Matter Simulation (blue) (9/22/14) 15.Practice Identifying Variables (white) (9/18/14) 16.Data and Graph Types Practice (yellow ½ sheet) (9/17/14) 17.Baseball Ticket Prices graphing (white ½ sheet) 18.Density Lab (white with yellow graph) (9/16/14) 19.What is Chemistry? Reading and file folder notes (green + ½ sheet of notes) (9/15/14) 20.Mixing Substances Lab (Chem Log 1) (green) (9/12/14) 21.Science Reading Notes (file folder ½ sheet) (9/8/14) 22.DQs – HIGHLIGHT THE DATE AND QUESTION FOR EACH ONE