An introduction to Asian Parliamentary and Australs-Style Debating Brett Frazer October 15, 2014 Cheongna Dalton School
But First… A few things: Cell phones are strictly forbidden in class. Seriously, you can wait like an hour before checking to see who’s hitting you up on KakaoTalk. All future speeches must be printed out or handwritten. You are now allowed to read from your computer. If you are unable to print out your speech, it to me at least two hours before class begins and I will print it out for you I strongly prefer you don’t use laptops in class. a. laptops are strictly forbidden in competition b. I can’t tell if you’re actually paying attention If you use a laptop during class, please me your notes before the start of the next class so I know you weren’t just Facebook creeping during class The class blog is up and running: You have an assignment due on the blog by Friday My
Speeches in the Debate Proposition/Government 1. Prime Minister (PM) 3. Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) 5. Proposition Whip (GW/PW) 8. Proposition Reply Speech (given by PM or DPM) Opposition 2. Leader of the Opposition (LO) 4. Deputy Leader of Opp (DLO) 6. Opposition Whip (OW) 7. Opposition Reply Speech (given by LO or DLO)
Speaking Order 1.Prime Minister5-8 minutes 2.Leader of the Opposition5-8 minutes 3.Deputy Prime Minister5-8 minutes 4.Deputy Leader of the Opposition5-8 minutes 5.Government Whip5-8 minutes 6.Opposition Whip5-8 minutes 7.Opposition Reply3-4 minutes 8.Government Reply3-4 minutes In Asian Parliamentary Debate, Points of Information are allowed after the first minute and before the last minute of the first six speeches. There are no POIs allowed in Australs- Style Debating. There are no POIs allowed during the reply speeches
Speaker Responsibilities: Satisfying “Role Fulfillment” Prime Minister 1.Define Terms/Create Model Constructive Arguments Leader Opposition 1.Accept/Reject Gov model (rejections are very rare) 2.Counter-model (very rare) 3.Rebuttal Constructive Arguments Deputy Prime Minister 1.Rebut the arguments made by the LO 2.Rebuild PM’s arguments 3.Introduce 1-2 new arguments Deputy Leader Opposition 1.Rebut the arguments made by the DPM 2.Rebuild LO’s arguments 3.Introduce 1-2 new arguments Government Whip 1.Rebut arguments made by DLO 2.Summarize the government case by identifying “clashes” or “points of stasis” *It is almost always inappropriate to introduce new arguments in the GW speech Opposition Whip 1.Rebut any remaining government arguments 2.Summarize the opposition case by identifying “clashes” or “points of stasis” *It is absolutely forbidden for the OW to introduce new arguments Government Reply “Meta Debating” Explain to the judge any strategic errors or role fulfillment failures committed by the opposition Explain to the judge why your team won the debate Opposition Reply “Meta Debating” Explain to the judge any strategic errors or role fulfillment failures committed by the government Explain to the judge why your team won the debate
The Secret Listen carefully to all speeches. Respond to what happens in the round. Don’t get married to a strategy or speech that’s no longer relevant
The Prime Minister Speech “THB (This house believes) the media should show the full horror of war” What terms need to be defined? “THB the media should show the full horror of war” What does it look like when “the media” shows “the full horror of war?”
The Prime Minister Speech (cont.) Definitions This House: “Western Liberal Democracies” Model: 1.Governments should not censor graphic media that has non-strategic value ex) Pictures of caskets returning from Afghanistan ex) A journalist drawing troop movements in the sand conveys strategic information and is therefore acceptable to ban 2.The Media should not self-censor ex) The Daniel Pearl Beheading (other examples, more relevant today might the 2014 IS beheading incidents: James Foley, Steven Sotloff, David Haines, Alan Henning) 3.The motion is not limited to graphic images or video, but also documents and other media that may display the horror of war ex) Documents that described abusive practices at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib
Homework, Part 1 1.Go to the blog: 2.Reply to the most recent post (HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT FROM OCTOBER 15TH, PART 1) with the following information: 1) Your name 2) The address you check most regularly 3) Why you joined the debate class 4) A debate topic you are interested in
Homework, Part 2 You will be given a link to a debate video (about 40 minutes). You are to watch this debate video and take notes. On Monday, October 20th, you must bring to class a 1-2 page, typed explanation of the following: 1) Were any definitions provided by the Prime Minister? Did the Prime Minister have a model? 2) What were the Prime Ministers arguments? (You don’t need to be super detailed, just give me the taglines. If you wish, you may provide more detail, but I’m most concerned about your ability to see the structure of the Prime Minister speech; don’t worry so much about content) 3) What were the LO’s arguments? Did you hear any rebuttal? 4) What were the DPM’s arguments? Did you hear any rebuttal? 5) How did the GW summarize the debate? What clash points did you hear? 6) How did the OW summarize the debate? What class points did you hear? Don’t worry about reply speeches. We’ll get to those at a later date. If you do not have access to a printer, then you are responsible for ing me your assignment at least two hours before the start of class (4:00 pm KST on Monday, October 20th)