The New World of Data Information Exchange Can It Work For Massachusetts? Dave Krasnow e
Introduction Dave Krasnow Software Development Manager EDS Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (Registry or RMV)
Background Registry Collects Data on Motor Vehicle Crashes 280,000 Crash Reports per Year –130,000 from Law Enforcement Officers –150,000 from Operators Mass Highway Department Primary User of Data for Safety Related Projects
Goal Collect Crash Data as efficiently, accurately, and timely as possible Effectively validate all crash data (especially location data) Provide full and easy access to crash data and much more for anyone in the state and country with a legitimate business purpose
The Pieces Data Collection Data Validation Data Access
Data Collection (Electronic Submission) Police Reports –XML Operator Reports –Web site All forms of electronic submission create the same XML and feed into one processing engine XML follows national standard
Why We Chose XML Every other option was as complex or more complex than XML State of the Art Technology Versatile, Robust, Powerful Industry Standard
Data Validation RMV –Reference tables –Streets, Intersections, Mile Markers, Exit Ramps Mass Highway –Linkage to Roadway Inventory File –GIS
Data Access Crash Reports –Online access to CDS by MHD to see actual reports, diagrams, narratives –Report requests from general public via web site –Report requests from large customers (Ins Cos) via XML web services and billed monthly
Data Access (continued) MHD Database –Roadway Safety analysis Data for Analysis -Statewide Transportation Data Warehouse -GHSB -Loaded with information -Accessible to anyone with a legitimate purpose via the web
So How Much of this Actually Exists? Data Collection –Police Report Electronic Submission is live but only a small percent are received electronically –Operator Report web site is just a concept –Paper reports are not imaged –No national XML standard exists … yet
So How Much of this Actually Exists? Data Validation –RMV side is fully implemented –MHD GIS software is in final specifications phase. Funding was just approved to continue.
So How Much of this Actually Exists? Data Access –MHD has online access to RMV database –Report Requests are only paper. Web sites and web services are just concepts –GHSB Data Warehouse is in pilot testing with a subset of data. Hopefully live within a few months
Summary Much of it is just concepts Not formulated into a strategic plan yet Could be achieved in under five years Can it work for Massachusetts? Goals are attainable!
The New World of Data Information Exchange Can It Work For Massachusetts? Dave Krasnow e