Introduction and Purpose Deb Markowitz Secretary Vermont Agency of Natural Resources October 24 th, 2013
2 Vermont Energy Use and GHG Emissions 2008 Vermont GHG Emissions by Sector Source: VT GHG Inventory, 2010.
Consumer Acceptance Anne Gobin Chief, Bureau of Air Management Connecticut Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection October 24 th, 2013
PEVs are rated higher in nearly every single category of overall quality, performance and comfort than comparable ICEs, according to data collected by J.D. Powers and Associates. 4
5 Sources: R.L. Polk, Electric Drive Transportation Association PEV sales percentage is 3x higher in ZEV Program states
Fueling Infrastructure Keeping Pace Ashley Horvat Chief Electric Vehicle Officer Oregon Department of Transportation October 24 th, 2013
7 Source:
Oregon EV Initiatives: West Coast Electric Highway EV Tourism (ODOT + Travel OR) EV Ambassadors EV Highway Signage Statewide Building Code Energize Oregon Coalition Statewide EV Action Plan Portland, OR: #1 EVSE Per Capita, #5 Leaf Market
Cost of Electric Vehicles Kathy Kinsey Deputy Secretary Maryland Department of the Environment October 24 th, 2013
11 EV Total Cost of Ownership, Financed Purchase Source: Electric Power Research Institute
Conclusion Christine Kirby Director, Air Quality & Climate Programs Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection October 24 th, 2013