Panhandle Independent Living Center “Empowering Youth with Disabilities to Say YES I Can!”
GOAL OF YES PILC staff is dedicated to providing education, information, and a positive environment that empowers youth with disabilities to make positive life choices for themselves.
MISSION What is our YES program? A program developed to assist middle and high school youth with disabilities in learning the skills and tools necessary to make healthy decisions as they approach adulthood. It is designed to meet the unique needs that these youth face in their daily lives.
OBJECTIVES OF YES To engage the youth in educational activities that will enhance their life experiences and help them realize their dreams. To allow these adolescents to interact with positive role models who have overcome disabilities or challenges to live productive, successful lives.
To incorporate fun activities into a curriculum that stresses the importance of independence for these youth. To establish positive peer relationships that will guide these individuals in their transition from school to community. We believe this is best achieved at a younger age before complacency and dependency has set in and become a way of life.
COMMON MISUNDERSTANDINGS What our program IS NOT? We are not a day care or day camp program. We are not staffed to provide a full-time daily program. We are not the answer to a parent’s childcare needs. We are not equipped to offer transportation to and from our ILC.
OUR OUTREACH YES staff will conduct outreach to the 26 counties within the Texas Panhandle, specifically focusing on 12 to 21 year old students and their families to help them access their community services YES staff will collaborate with Special Education Coordinators and Region 16 Education Service Center to develop scheduled visitations and presentations to area schools.
YES staff will complete intakes on eligible youth including needs assessments, plans of service, and goals for achieving independence. YES staff will deliver the four core services of Independent Living. YES staff will monitor the progress of youth consumers following plans of service.
The Four Core Services Peer Counseling Advocacy Information and Referral Life Skills Training
Peer Counseling Individual or group Staff or volunteer directed Provides necessary support to cope with a new disability Provides necessary support to achieve maximum independence in society Service available to people with disabilities and their families or caregivers
Advocacy Qualified staff assistance Resolution to individual discrimination in the following areas: Employment Education Communication Denial of access to social services, housing or public facilities Community advocacy – to create the accessibility and awareness for individuals w/disabilities to participate in the community.
Information and Referral Networking with other agencies in the 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle Referrals for a multitude of consumer needs including: Transportation Employment Mobility Assistance Housing Medical Aid Adaptive Equipment Emergency Food Clothing Case managers work with consumers to remove barriers to Independence
Independent Living Skills Training Money Management Housing Transportation Cleaning Nutrition Meal Preparation Adaptive Equipment Health Maintenance Socialization
Conclusions The positive, fun environment helps youth build self-esteem The interaction with adults with disabilities who have become successful in their own life provides a peer supportive environment, which is a valuable teaching tool Able-bodied mentors help these students achieve their independent living goals
A variety of activities provides valuable life experiences that these students would have a hard time finding in our community without the support of the YES program Program feedback demonstrates that parents witness big changes in their child’s independence Students of rural counties with few of their own services are encouraged to participate because of its benefits
Summer 2005 Highlights Reached 20 students this past summer Served 7 counties – Potter, Randall, Moore, Castro, Childress, Hall, and Parmer Presented and was recognized as a model youth transition program at the “Nothing About Youth Without Youth” Region VI Independent Living conference Provided a positive, can do attitude and atmosphere.
Visited Amarillo College campus and spoke with disability services, so youth would begin understanding the process and importance of higher education, when appropriate Provided 8 hours a week of educational, vocational, social/recreational, and IL skills training activities. Youth made significant strides in Independent Living skills and Self-Advocacy skills
SUMMARY YES is a year-round program for students ages YES meets the first and third Mondays each month during the school year YES plans activities for special holidays and school breaks YES is accepting new participants during the school year YES provides a 9 week summer program; participants are chosen on a scholarship basis because of the interest level and waiting list YES welcomes interested individuals to apply to serve as program volunteers or student mentors
For More Information Contact Panhandle Independent Living Center 1118 S. Taylor Amarillo, TX Phone: Fax: