Nervous System Health Science Technology I Dr. Wood
Objectives Identify the main parts of a neuron. Describe the function of each of the main parts of the brain. Understand the structure of and the messages sent along the spinal cord. Name the three meninges and their function. Contrast the actions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Understand the major diseases of the nervous system. Define and understand the vocabulary words.
Vocabulary Words Afferent Autonomic nervous system Brain Central nervous system Cerebrospinal fluid CerebellumCerebrumDiencephalonEfferentHypothalamus Medulla oblongata MeningesMidbrain Nervous system NeuronParasympathetic Peripheral nervous system Pons Spinal cord SympatheticThalamusVentricles
Nervous system Complex, highly organized system that coordinates all the activities of the body Allows the body to respond and adapt to changes that occur
Neuron Nerve cell Basic structural unit of the nervous system
Parts of a neuron Cell body: contains the nucleus Dendrites: carry impulses to the cell body Axon: single nerve fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body Myelin sheath: lipid covering around the axon which increases the rate of impulse transmission and insulates the axon Synapses: spaces between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of other neurons
Central nervous system Consists of the brain and spinal cord
Brain Mass of nerve tissue protected by the skull
Cerebrum Largest section of the brain Divided in to lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal Responsible for reasoning, memory, speech, sight, smell, hearing, voluntary movement
Cerebellum Responsible for muscle coordination, balance and posture
Diencephalon Contains the thalamus and hypothalamus Thalamus: relay center and directs sensory impulses to the cerebrum Hypothalamus: regulates and controls the autonomic nervous system, temperature, appetite, sleep
Midbrain Conducts impulses between brain parts and for certain eye and auditory reflexes
Pons Below the midbrain Responsible for some reflex actions including chewing, tasting, saliva production
Medulla oblongata Lowest part of the brain stem Connects with the spinal cord and is responsible for regulating heartbeat, respiration, swallowing, coughing and blood pressure
Spinal Cord Continues down from the medulla oblongata and ends at L1 or L2 Protected and surrounded by the vertebrae Carries afferent (sensory) messages up to the brain Carries efferent (motor) messages from the brain to the nerves and then muscles
Meninges Membranes that cover and protect the brain and spinal cord Dura mater: thick outer layer Arachnoid membrane: web like middle layer Pia mater: inner layer attached to the brain and spinal cord and contains blood vessels that nourish the brain
Ventricles Hollow spaces in the brain that connect with each other and the subarachnoid space
Cerebrospinal fluid Fluid in the ventricles, circulates continually, produced by choroid plexus Shock absorber to protect the brain and spinal cord Carries nutrients and helps remove some metabolic waste
Peripheral Nervous System Consists of the cranial and spinal nerves
Somatic nervous system 12 pairs of cranial nerves 31 pair of spinal nerves: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal Carry messages to and from the spinal cord, both sensory and motor
Autonomic nervous system Helps maintain a balance in the involuntary functions of the body and allows the body to react in times of emergency 2 divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic
Sympathetic nervous system In times of emergency, fight or flight response Increases heart rate, respiration & blood pressure
Parasympathetic nervous system Works with the sympathetic nervous system to maintain balance or homeostasis After the emergency, slows heart rate and respiration, lowers blood pressure
Nervous system diseases
Cerebral palsy Caused by brain damage Disturbance in voluntary muscle action
Cerebrovascular accident Blood flow to the brain is impaired either by a hemorrhage or blockage Common symptoms: weakness or paralysis on one side, mental confusion, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain Caused by virus, bacteria, or chemical agent Viral infection often carried by mosquito
Epilepsy Seizure disorder Abnormal electrical impulses
Hydrocephalus Excessive accumulation of CSF in the ventricles Abnormally large head, bulging eyes, retardation
Meningitis Inflammation of the meninges Caused by bacteria, virus, fungus or toxins
Multiple sclerosis (MS) Chronic, progressive disabling Results from a degeneration of the myelin sheath
Parkinson’s disease Chronic, progressive involving degeneration of brain cells Symptoms include tremors, stiffness, shuffling gait, loss of facial expression
Shingles Inflammation of nerve cells cause by a herpes virus, which also causes chicken pox Severe pain, vesicles along the nerve path
Paralysis Usually from injury, results in loss of function and sensation below the level of injury Hemiplegia: paralysis on one side Paraplegia: paralysis in legs Quadriplegia: paralysis of arms and legs
Image Citations Slide 5, 7, 8, 10, 23, 26: Delmar Learning’s Medical Terminology Image Library, Second Edition. Version 1.0, ISBN: Slide 9: 1/13/06, The brain and spinal cord, 3.jpg 3.jpg 3.jpg Slide 12: 1/13/06, Cerebellum, pecimens/cerebellum.gif pecimens/cerebellum.gif Slide 13: 1/13/06, Diencephalon, Slide 14: 1/13/06, Midbrain and Cerebellum, Slide 15: 1/13/06, Pons, Slide 16: 1/13/06, Hindbrain, images/hindbrain.jpg images/hindbrain.jpghttp:// images/hindbrain.jpg Slide 20: 1/13/06,
Image Citations Slide 21: 1/13/06, Slide 24: 1/13/06, The Peripheral Nervous System, gif gif gif Slide 30: 1/13/06, Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic, c2/Brain/03.GIF c2/Brain/03.GIF c2/Brain/03.GIF Slide 32: 1/13/06, Cerebral Palsy Images, Slide 36: 1/13/06, Hydrocephalus, Slide 36: 1/13/06, Slide 37: 1/13/06, Meningitis strikes campus,
Image Citations Slide 38: 1/13/06, Slide 39: 1/13/06, pg pg pg Slide 40: 1/13/06, treaments.jpg treaments.jpghttp:// treaments.jpg Slide 41: 1/13/06,