Art and Architecture Tenochtitlan was an architectural masterpiece crisscrossed with causeways Aqueduct system They use gold, feathers, and other natural materials
The Central Plaza The heart of Tenochtitlan was a large walled plaza It was a sacred place for ceremonies and festivals Had dozens of temples and pyramids surrounding it Largest structure was the Templo Mayor
Markets Greatest market in Tlatelolco Food, medicine, and live animals sold Cacao, cloth, gold, and copper used as currency Crafts such as baskets, pots and sandals sold in markets
Fine Arts Fine arts sold straight to nobles Jewelry made from gold, silver, and precious stones Feather work from tropical birds Beautiful stone sculptures
Language and Literature They valued words and language Aztecs were skilled speakers and told legends of the gods Aztec language sounded beautiful Great poetry, mostly about flowers and the beauty of nature