Calendar Item 114 (Informational Item) 1
San Francisco Los Angeles Sacramento Eureka Lake Tahoe Owens Lake 2
Circa 1891 April
Approximately 110 sq. mi. in size. Los Angeles aqueduct completed in Lake essentially dry by Diversion of water led to dust (PM 10 ) coming off lakebed. Owens Lake is the largest single source of PM 10 in the United States. Dust season: October 1 – June 30 In June 1999, CSLC issues 20-year lease to LADWP for dust control purposes. 90% of emissions now controlled. 4
PM 10 = Particulate Matter – 10 microns mean aerodynamic diameter SCRD = Supplemental Control Requirements Determination DCM = Dust control measure(s) BACM = Best available control measures HSM = Habitat suitability model (value acres) OLGEP = Owens Lake Groundwater Evaluation Program LORP = Lower Owens River Project 5
Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District; enforces Federal, State and local air quality regulations and works to ensure that federal and state air quality standards are met; Los Angeles Department of Water and Power; required to mitigate dust emissions on the lakebed. California State Lands Commission; has jurisdiction over most of the lakebed; issues leases for dust control activities and other uses on the lakebed. California Department of Fish and Wildlife; issues lakebed alteration agreements (permits) for activities on the lakebed. 6
One lease from CSLC and 12 amendments BACM on approx. 41 sq. mi. Breakdown of BACM currently on lakebed: BACMArea (Sq. Mi.) Shallow flooding35.2 Gravel cover2.17 Managed Vegetation3.7 7
3.07 sq. mi. of new BACM in 6 areas. Transition of 3.4 sq. mi. of shallow flood to other BACM. Use of HSM & hybrid BACM. EIR Cultural resource sites avoided (compliance?) Lease amendment needed. 8
Phase 9 Based on 2011 SCRD 2.86 sq. mi. of emissive “lone areas” 1.87 sq. mi. of “watch areas” LADWP appealed Now in litigation 9
Commenced in January Intended to be: a framework to manage the diverse resources of the lake, while continuing to control dust. broad collaborative process involving numerous stakeholders. Organized into a Planning Committee, Coordinating Committee, several work groups, & Agency Forum. 10
LADWP Great Basin California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife State Lands Commission Inyo County Lone Pine Paiute- Shoshone Tribe Eastern Sierra Audubon Society/Audubon California Eastern Sierra Land Trust Sierra Club Lone Pine Chamber of Commerce Rio Tinto Minerals Local Ranchers, Residents & Businesses 11
Dust Control Habitat & Wildlife Water Conservation Public Trust Values Public Access & Interpretation Cultural Resources Mining & Grazing Renewable Energy (Solar) Economic Development Monitoring & Adaptive Management 12
HSM developed by Habitat Workgroup to measure the quality of habitat. Expressed as “Value Acres.” To be used to ensure no net loss of habitat values and to enhance habitat values in other areas of the lakebed. 13
Process commenced in January Draft Master Plan released for public comment in December Revised draft Master Plan addressing public comments was to be basis for EIR. At January 2013 Planning Committee meeting, LADWP presents list of “must haves”. In a letter dated March 26, 2013, LADWP informs stakeholders of its intent to develop its own plan (the “Master Project”). On April 17, 2013, LADWP unveils its Master Project Concept to Inyo County Board of Supervisors. 14
Broad goals similar to the Master Plan. LADWP would be lead agency on CEQA. Proposes use of wide variety of DCM, including some non-BACM. Goal to reduce water usage on lakebed to 41% of current 95,000 AFY. Phased transitions. 15
LADWP required assurances: sq. mi. limit 2. Ability to use non- BACM DCM (because acronyms are fun). 3. Transition 2x as much land as currently allowed under the SIP. 4. Permanent right to implement and maintain the Project on State-owned land. 16
Master Plan Collaborative approach with many stakeholders. EIR w/ CSLC as CEQA lead agency Uses HSM No agency would abdicate its authority Master Project LADWP-led effort. Role of stakeholders unknown. LADWP as CEQA lead agency. Uses HSM LADWP requires certain assurances 17
Solar Demonstration Project OLGEP LORP ANG Jet Crash 18
Goals: meet renewable energy portfolio standards; provide data on the feasibility of solar facilities on Owens Lake. Located on a 5.3 acre site in north part of lakebed (Phase 8; gravel). Generate approx. 500 kW of electricity. Ground-mounted photovoltaic solar arrays. MND Lease from CSLC needed (application received). Hope to be operational by early
Study at Owens Lake to determine the feasibility of using groundwater in LADWP’s Owens Lake dust mitigation program. Evaluate the groundwater supply under Owens Lake. Develop a conceptual hydro-geologic model of the basin. Study the potential impacts of the removal of the groundwater on surrounding wells, seeps, springs, and vegetation. Study began in March 2009 and was completed in November Report recommends an additional 3-year environmental study phase, including drilling and testing of additional well sites to collect necessary data on fault lines and hydro- geologic connectivity, followed by a 3-year limited pumping phase. Commission authorization needed for additional wells or the use of groundwater for LADWP’s dust mitigation program on Owens Lake. 22
Restoration project covering a 62-mile long stretch of the Lower Owens River. Commission a signatory to 1997 MOU between Inyo County, Fish and Game, Sierra Club, Owens Valley Committee, and LADWP. MOU sets certain terms for restoration, including: Continuous base flow of approximately 40 cubic feet per second (CFS). maintain and enhance adjacent off-road lakes and ponds; enhance and maintain approximately 325 acres of wetlands habitat in the Owens Lake Delta; and preparation and implementation of a long-term management plan. MOU parties in talks over proposed revisions to allow LADWP to increase capacity of the pump station located at the terminus of the River. The proposed change could allow LADWP to increase base or seasonal flows (i.e., release more water down the Owens River) and recover the additional water when flows exceed 50 CFS. 23
Occurred December 27, Pilot safely ejected. Occurred in northwest part of lakebed. Not in an area under lease for dust control purposes. Notified of crash on January 9, 2013 by Inyo County Environmental Health Services. 25
Air National Guard removed wreckage. Approx. 300 gal. of jet fuel and some hydraulic fluid spilled. ANG conducted soil sampling. Commission staff contacted LADWP, Great Basin, CDFW, and Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. Residual hydrocarbons remain at surface. Does not appear to be a threat to the surface or groundwater quality. 26