Artic Adventure A Choose Your Own Adventure By Kirsti, Issy, Megan and Josh
Bang! “Oh no what have you done you?” “It wasn’t me, I swear!” You call out “Well what do we do?”, You remain silent. You and your supervisor Max are on an expedition in the Artic to save the polar bears from extinction, and whilst out at sea, in your little fishing boat, your engine has cut out. “Well can you fix it?” Max calls out through the smoke which has filled your cabin. Your head is tired and the smoke doesn’t help. You go out onto the deck to get some fresh air. “I don’t know,” you sigh. “Should we send a help message? But then why don’t we swim for land?” Do you call for help? Do you swim for land?
You call for help, Max suggests that you sleep through the night but you tell him that you should stay awake to watch for the helicopter. The wind is whistling around you and to make it worse you are freezing and Max is turning blue, when a shower of snow falls down on to you. Do you keep watch for help? Do you sleep for the night?
The water is freezing. You think you are not going to make it to land but you know there is no turning back now. You carry on swimming, your legs are going numb. You can see seals swimming round your body investigating. You quickly grab hold of one of the seals to catch a ride. It takes you just a little bit nearer the land. Then all of a sudden a hand pulls you out onto the land. Do you say thank you and follow him? Do you swim back to the boat?
You keep watch for help as a gust of wind blows over head.”Max, Max wake up the helicopter has come,”you scream. You get pulled out of the boat to meat two nasty looking men. Max whispers to you “ I' don't like the look of them.” He suggests that you should jump out and risk your lives. What do you do. Do you jump of the plane and swim for land? Do you stay with the men?
You follow Max’s suggestion and get a good nights sleep. You wake to see a shadow fall over your boat. You run to the cabin, an iceberg looms ahead. Your boat is heading right for it! Your trying to steer the boat away but its no good you keep heading in the same direction. What do you do? Do you continue to try and steer the boat away? Do you continue to try and steer the boat away? Do you jump out and swim for land?
You thank the man graciously for his help and climb out of the freezing water. He wraps you up in a warm towel, you instantly feel better. Max is next to you. You can see your saver is an Eskimo. You introduce yourself and explain about your polar bear mission. The Eskimo has seen the polar bears and is excited to find some polar bear rescuers. He leads you to where he last saw them though there not there, but the Eskimo thinks there close by. Do you split up to find the polar bears? Do you stick together to find the polar bears?
You swim back to where the boat was.You can’t see it anywhere so you swim around the deserted area in the freezing water looking for the boat. The wind starts to blow and you know that a snow storm is on its way. Silence spreads across the artic, there is no life insight anywhere but you are determined to find your boat. Do you carry on searching for the boat? Do you head back for land?
You jumped out the plane but whilst falling you and max hit a ice burg SPLAT!! You are dead you have failed your mission and it turned out that the men were really nice.
You and Max make the right decision the men are really nice. They were sent out to keep an eye on you if you were lost or hurt. They settle you down comfy in the back of the helicopter. You and Max are so tired and you fall asleep instantly. You wake to find yourself back at home, a warm feeling climbs up your spine as you crawl into your bed. A few years later it is announced to the world that the last of the polar bears is dead. You spend the rest of your life living in guilt. You fail.
You decide to steer the boat. So you run to the cabin and desperately try to steer the boat.You grab hold of the wheel and press a load of buttons not really knowing what you are doing. You try to wake up max who's just sleeping quietly in the corner of the boat, he just carry's on sleeping hopelessly. Finely after a long panic you gain control of the boat, just missing the massive ice burg. Then the boat gently bangs against the icy land. You quickly scramble off the boat carrying max and meet a friendly family of Eskimos, they take you to there hut and you live a peaceful and happy life but never complete your mission.
You jump out and swim for land but a sea lion comes and attacks you. You cannot do anything about it. You drown in the misty depths of the ocean.
You decide to go with the Eskimo to find the polar bears. You set of crunching through the snowy waste lands of the freezing Artic. You feel like your lost in the middle of knowhere but you can trust the Eskimo. The snow softly starts to fall. You can’t see a thing your surrounded by the snow. Soon the snow starts to ease off and you can just make out the small white figers ahead. When you got closer you realise that the figers are polar bears! You complete your mission and live a happy life with the Eskimos. SUCCESS!
You decide to go with the Eskimo to find the polar bears. You set of crunching through the snowy waste lands of the freezing artic. You feel like your lost in the middle of knowere but you can trust the Eskimo. The snow softly starts to fall. You can’t see a thing your surrounded by the snow. Soon the snow starts to ease of and you can just make out the small white figers ahead. When you got closer you realise that the figers are polar bears! You complete your mission and live a happy life with the Eskimos. SUCCESS!
You head for land when suddenly a big shadow comes under the water. The hungry 20 foot killer whale comes up and eats you alive.
You franticly search and you finally find the boat but it is lying on a pillow of green slimy sea weed. You turn round to look for land but you can not see it any where, you and Max drown, after two weeks a Eskimo finds you and eats you for dinner.