Encouraging Independence In Toddlers 1-3
Helping Others Put away their own toys Put away their own toys Have them help with simple chores Have them help with simple chores www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/186331/2/istockphoto_ _watering_the_flowers.jpg
Self-Feeding Expect messes Expect messes Have child sized utensils Have child sized utensils Have foods that are bite sized and easy to eat Have foods that are bite sized and easy to eat Make sure child fits at the table Make sure child fits at the table
Self Dressing Let them do as much as they can manage then help Let them do as much as they can manage then help Have clothes that are easy to put on and take off Have clothes that are easy to put on and take off Loose Loose Elastic waist Elastic waist Front closures Front closures Easy fasteners Easy fasteners Large Buttons Large Buttons Velcro Velcro Zippers Zippers
Grooming Skills Give child their own grooming items Give child their own grooming items Make sure they can reach the sink Make sure they can reach the sink Have a routine Have a routine Be the example Be the example