RESPECT THE GATOR QUALITY FOR MARCH IS RESPECT Respect means… Treating others how you want to be treated No bullying Helping others Taking care of the environment Being a good citizen By: Misha Chokshi
The Gator Quality For March Is Respect!!! Respect means: #L#Listening to others #U#Using your manners #I#Including others #T#Treating others the way you want to be treated By: Kyle Waltrich
Respect is the Gator Quality for March Respect means…… Not bullying Taking care of our environment Including others Using good manners Sharing with friends By : Kriya Shah
Respect means… Treating people the way you want to be treated Using your manners Listening to people; it fills someone’s bucket Including friends Respect is the school rule! The Gator Quality For March is Respect! By: Anika Pant