CPD Scheme Development Issues to consider
Context and Rationale Is it a CPD Framework for Learning and Teaching only or does it have a broader institutional remit? Which categories of staff does it cover? Where will it ‘sit’ in the institution? Has it received institutional approval/ratification? Are there other professional bodies to be considered in developing the Framework?
Institutional infrastructure Are career trajectories aligned with the UKPSF? Are elements of the scheme embedded into Job specifications/ role descriptors? Are they integrated into Annual Performance Review processes? Are there mandatory links to probation/promotion? Are there links to other recognition mechanisms (institutional and national teaching fellowships etc)?
Scheme design What routes to recognition are contained within the scheme? Which routes will be accredited elements of provision? How do processes vary with the level of descriptor? What use is made of the UKPSF in design of the scheme? What reference use is made to HE Academy criteria/individual recognition procedures at different levels? Are there other professional bodies to be considered in developing the Framework?
Scheme development What institutional hurdles must be cleared (to what time-line)? How is the scheme being communicated/promoted to key stake holders? How is capacity being developed? What training is being provided and for whom? Is there a pilot phase with intended roll out to wider audience? Initial central control vs. longer term devolution to School/ Faculty level?
Scheme Implementation Specified entry points in academic year or roll on-roll off? Membership, timing and frequency of Judgment Panels? Is there a Management Group and what is its remit? How are participants supported? What information and guidance is provided to them? Are there guidance notes for tutors, mentors, assessors etc? Do these ensure alignment with the UKPSF? Is support and/or training provided for these individuals?
Provision of evidence Individually designed submission or institutional documentation? Use of HEA criteria/individual recognition procedures at different levels? Electronic/written/oral submission? References/ Advocate Statements to verify evidence (who/how many at each level)? RP(E)L procedures?
Assessment - how are judgments made? Is there an Assessment panel (or panels) to make judgements and what is its (or their) composition How (if at all) does this vary with the level of recognition being applied for Involvement of individuals with formal responsibilities for L&T? External involvement in decision making? Processes to deal with unsuccessful submissions and time scales for appeals/ resubmission etc
Quality assurance of judgments What mechanisms are there to ensure the clarity and equity of different routes to recognition? How is the consistency of decision making assured? Has the team considered the equivalence of planned processes and HEA individual recognition procedures? What is the planned involvement of existing Fellows/ Senior Fellows/ External Reviewers? Has the team considered the potential involvement of HE Academy representatives in panels/ judgment making?
Accreditation Meeting expectations for accreditation as set out in guidance for institutions and leaders of provision:- Demonstration of explicit alignment with UKPSF (how the UKPSF permeates the Scheme (design, implementation, assessment and supporting infrastructure) Quality assurance of judgment processes Institutional commitment to initial and ongoing professional development of all staff teaching and supporting learning