Japanese I Introduction: ◦ Today, we will be learning numbers 1-10 in Japanese. We will focus first on the words, not the characters yet. But I would like to show the characters in Kanji system along with the words so that you can be able to recognize them when you see them written somewhere. ◦ We will focus more on the pronunciation of the words and how they are spelled.
Materials: We do not need materials yet. I only need you to listen carefully when I say each word, and also watch carefully on how it is written in letters and in Kanji writing.
Now Lets Start ……. Pronunciation: ◦ In Japanese, when a “u” is at the end of a word, it is usually omitted or silent. It is okay to say it, and also okay not to say it. For instance, the word “desu” is usually pronounced as “des” as in “Genki desu” which is usually heard as “Genki des” You will see this in number 6 – Roku, making it a one-syllable word, and can also be two-syllables. Both way are okay.
Continue on pronunciation…. When a “n” is at the end of a word, it is usually pronounced as “ng”; it can be “n” or “ng”. You will see this in number 3 –San and 4 - Yon
When a letter is doubled, for instance, “ee, uu, oo, ii”, it is a long-sound. It is not like in English when a same letter is put together, it makes a new sound, as in “oo” becomes “u”. ◦ You will see this is number 9- Kyuu and 10-Juu
Continue….. The words are not written with apostrophe but I put one on those two- syllable words to indicate where stress is at. For example: Shi’chi… the apostrophe indicate that the stress is on “shi”.
Now lets look at the numbers one by one
1 - One I ’ chi 一
2 - Two Ni 二
3 - Three San 三
4 - Four Yon / Shi 四
5 - Five Go 五
6 - Six Rok ’ u 六
7 - Seven Na ’ na / Shi ’ chi 七
8 - Eight Ha ’ chi 八
9 - Nine Kyuu 九
10 - Ten Jyuu 十
Closing This is the end of our lesson today. By now you should know how to pronounce the words 1-10 in Japanese, and also to recognize the characters in Kanji. You are not expected to memorize right away, but you should be able to do so after couple practices.