OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Collaborating with Civil Society: Reflections from Australia Jon Hall, Australian Bureau of Statistics
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Overview Three Australian indicator initiatives - their links with civil society
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Overview Three Australian indicator initiatives - their links with civil society Why collaborate with civil society?
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Overview Three Australian indicator initiatives - their links with civil society Why collaborate with civil society? Civil Society’s perspective – why collaborate with government
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Overview Three Australian indicator initiatives - their links with civil society Why collaborate with civil society? And how best to collaborate?
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Overview Three Australian indicator initiatives - their links with civil society Why collaborate with civil society? Conclusions
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Three Australian Indicator Initiatives ABS – ‘Measures of Australia’s Progress’ Tasmania’s - ‘Tasmania Together’ Victorian State Government’s – ‘Growing Victoria Together’
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives The Australian Bureau of Statistics Measures of Australia’s Progress
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives The Australian Bureau of Statistics Measures of Australia’s Progress Headline progress indicators to inform public debate
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives The Australian Bureau of Statistics Measures of Australia’s Progress Headline progress indicators to inform public debate Wide consultation and an external expert group
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives The Australian Bureau of Statistics Measures of Australia’s Progress Headline progress indicators to inform public debate Wide consultation and an external expert group But …. first issue criticised for perceived “left wing and ‘green’ bias”
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australian Indicator Initiatives Civil society provided very valuable advice and assistance
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australian Indicator Initiatives Civil society provided very valuable advice and assistance They also promoted and supported the venture
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australian Indicator Initiatives Civil society provided very valuable advice and assistance They also promoted and supported the venture But …. need to be careful about perceptions around roles …. and that an adequately broad spectrum of views come to the table
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives Tasmanian Government’s Tasmania Together
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives Tasmanian Government’s Tasmania Together Designed to set goals for Tasmania and monitor progress towards them
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives Tasmanian Government’s Tasmania Together Designed to set goals for Tasmania and monitor progress towards them Community led – with very significant consultation at every stage
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives Tasmanian Government’s Tasmania Together Designed to set goals for Tasmania and monitor progress towards them Community led – with very significant consultation at every stage But … now realise that some groups not so well represented as others
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives Victorian Government’s Growing Victoria Together
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives Victorian Government’s Growing Victoria Together Designed to promote a whole of government approach … and to communicate government’s vision to the public
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Australia Indicator Initiatives Victorian Government’s Growing Victoria Together Designed to promote a whole of government approach … and to communicate government’s vision to the public Less public consultation than other projects may have lead to less ‘buy in’ from the public (which may lead in turn to reduced support in government)
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Some reflection from Civil Society’s perspective Community groups take a vital interest in monitoring and reporting …they see (in Australia) some deficiencies in environmental and social reporting
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Some reflection from Civil Society’s perspective Community groups take a vital interest in monitoring and reporting …they see (in Australia) some deficiencies in environmental and social reporting Membership of advisory bodies can be frustrating.. Consultation without genuine commitment to listen and respond is unproductive
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Why Collaborate? Discussions about measuring progress leads to discussions – and shared understanding - about ‘what progress actually is’
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Why Collaborate? Discussions about measuring progress leads to discussions – and understanding - about ‘what progress actually is’ Civil Society gets… facts to inform debate and advance particular causes, and a chance to influence policy
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Why Collaborate? Discussions about measuring progress leads to discussions – and understanding - about ‘what progress actually is’ Civil Society gets… facts to inform debate and advance particular causes, and a chance to influence policy Government gets … a wider perspective, skills and resources, support and buy in
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Lessons in Collaboration Choose collaborators carefully
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Lessons in Collaboration Choose collaborators carefully Judge the pace of collaboration well
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Lessons in Collaboration Choose collaborators carefully Judge the pace of collaboration well Listen to one another and deliver
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November A Role for the OECD Sharing data and best practice
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November A Role for the OECD Sharing data and best practice Investigating the effects strong civil society has on other economic and social aspects of progress
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November A Role for the OECD Sharing data and best practice Investigating the effects strong civil society has on other economic and social aspects of progress Frameworks for indicators in controversial areas
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Conclusions Collaboration with civil society seems a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for a successful indicator initiative
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Conclusions Collaboration with civil society seems a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for a successful indicator initiative Collaboration strengthens content and builds support
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Conclusions Collaboration with civil society seems a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for a successful indicator initiative Collaboration strengthens content and builds support The reports become agents of change within civil society
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Ideas for Discussion How much collaboration is appropriate and how does one achieve that appropriate level?
OECD World Forum “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”, Palermo, November Ideas for Discussion How much collaboration is appropriate and how does one achieve that appropriate level? What styles of collaboration work best?