The Book About the Tasmanian Devil By:Kiara Cruz
Have you ever heard of a Tasmanian devil? I have been researching the Tasmanian devil. In this report you will be reading about its physical description, habitat, defense, prey, predators, and some interesting facts about the Tasmanian devil.
Physical Description
Habitat Have you heard where a Tasmanian devil lives? The Tasmanian devil lives in the state of Tasmania in the country of Australia. Things you will see in the Tasmanian devil’s habitat are lots of trees, grass, and lots of broken branches.
Defense Do you know how the Tasmanian devil protects itself? The Tasmanian devil has two ways to defends itself. One way the Tasmanian devil protects itself is by having very strong jaw muscles. Another detail about the Tasmanian devil defense is it has very sharp teeth. The teeth and muscles make the Tasmanian devil fierce.
Prey Do you know the Tasmanian devil’s prey? The Tasmanian devil kills possums, lizards, frogs, chickens, and lamb. Other things the Tasmanian devil also preys on are snakes, birds, and insects.
Predators Do you know the Tasmanian devil’s predators? The Tasmanian devil’s predators are eagles and owls. Eagles prey on baby Tasmanian devils for survival. Owls hunt the Tasmanian devil for food.
Interesting Facts Do you know some interesting facts about the Tasmanian devil? Here are some interesting facts about the Tasmanian devil. The Tasmanian devil became extinct on mainland along time ago because there was not a lot of food to share with dingoes. The Tasmanian devil is a forest animal. Finally the Tasmanian devil male is larger than a female devils.
The Tasmanian devil was a interesting animal to study. In conclusion, what did you learn about the Tasmanian?