Earth Systems Coupling Advanced Algorithms Worldwide Nested Applications High Performance Computing Forecast Systems User Community Advanced Data Assimilation Observing Networks WRFBio/Sed CODARNE IOMCCS NPacNE EAC
Nbed Advanced Algorithms Fluid /sediment coupling Vertical spline interpolation Specialized split-explicit time-stepping
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Several Nested Grids in the North Atlantic
(Curchitser) North Pacific
LEO-15 LEO NJSOS Longterm Ecosystem Observatory 30km x 30km New Jersey Shelf Observing System Satellites, Aircraft, Surface RADAR, Glider AUVs 300km x 300km Beginning 2001 RUTGERS THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY 3km x 3km 1996-Present Station Field
Cycle 2 Sea Breeze Mesoscale Event – July 17 00:00 GMT, 48 hour forecast OP 48hr forecast EXP 48 hr forecast NWS Radar 07/17 22Z Seabreeze Front Seabreeze Front NO Seabreeze
Comparison of Modeled and Observed Chlorophyll
Updraft cells (yellow/white) drove strong convergent surface winds (white arrows) resulting in strong (2-3 m/s) surface currents. Surface height (color slice) variations of a half-meter over 20 km were observed, and waves propagate along the thermocline (shown in blue). WRF and ROMS/TOMS Coupling Summer Supercell Test ( C. Moore)
Global NCOM: Australia and New Zealand 1/8 degree resolution Sea Surface Height (cm) Nowcast: January 16, 2002 EAC
Inverse Modeling in the California Current System Deterministic fits of the physical (and biological) observations (inverse method strategy :allows the models to reach a dynamical consistent state, analysis of dynamical balances, eddies, transports …) a) Data Assimilation (assimilation to combine different data sources: CTD’s, ADCP, Satellite and others … to aid general studies of the California Current System) Southern California Model Grid [m] San Francisco San Diego Pt. Conception CalCOFI data array (50 years seasonal in situ obs.) * * Predictability of physics and biology (dynamical theory :investigate the limits of predictability timescale and the dynamical basis for predictability) Ecosystem response to physical forcing (ecosystem model analysis : to what degree is the biology dependent on the physics? What level of compexity is needed in the ecosystem?) Impacts of climate variability : El Niño (sensitivity model experiments : investigate the system response to changes of the mean state (eg. El Niños, Climate shifts …) b) c) d) * *