Families and Households in the 2000 Round of Censuses in ECE Member Countries Report by the ECE Task Force on Families and Households
Status Second draft of Task Force report Comments by Task Force members are included Diagnosis – proposals for new or changed recommendations planned for 2005
Conclusions: Problems with Place of usual residence Private versus institutional households Reconstituted families (step families) De facto marital status and same-sex couples The homeless Some tables: inconsistencies for consensual unions
Place of usual residence (46 cntrs) Approximately 90 % of the countries complied with the definition Intended length of stay at the current address problematic –varies across countries (6-12 months) –international migration different than internal migration
Private households (45 cntrs) 30 (close to) housekeeping definition 15 dwelling definition –12 of these cannot estimate housekeeping units –often register-based census
Institutional households (46 cntrs) over 80 % complied with the definition some problems with intended length of stay (six months, rather than the recommended one-year) other problem: households in-between private and institutional (e.g. retirement villages)
Reconstituted family Only 8 countries provided data No more than an additional 11 countries can produce the data Relationship to reference person does not give enough information Data quality concerns
Reconstituted family (contnd) Consequences for –family status of individuals (step-child only countries) –family type (9 countries)
No major problems for: Family, couple, child Reference person Relationship to reference person (Table 1) Household status of individuals (Table 2)
Family types * Families with adult child(ren) low priority Six countries lack information on cohabiting couples * NB Reconstituted families excluded
Household types Households with adult child(ren) low priority
Further problems De facto marital status necessary? Cf. consensual unions/cohabiting couples Data on same-sex couples reliable? Define the homeless?