DUE Prepare For The Upturn in IT Related Jobs With New Avenues Of Recruitment Ann Beheler, Ann Blackman 2006 Conference on Information Technology
Convergence Technology Center National Science Foundation Advanced Technical Education (ATE) Regional Center
Three partner community colleges working together in the North Texas area Convergence Technology Center
Convergence Technology brings IT together Voice, video, data, image blended into one flexible network The bringing together of products and capabilities of multiple vendors so that they provide the services the customer wants (interoperability) Active in enterprise businesses and homes $2.469 million over 4 years Awarded August 1, 2004
Convergence Technology Center Focus Build curriculum for Convergence Technician Training faculty case study/problem-based learning approach convergence technology content Recruiting faculty and students from underserved areas Sharing materials with others utilizing CCCCD’s partnership with National Center for Telecommunications Technology Regional Program
Enough about us……… Are IT jobs really coming back? Who do we need to recruit? How do we successfully recruit?
Over the past few years Dallas portion of the DFW Metroplex lost 100,000 jobs between 2000 and 2003 out of about 2.8 million jobs (Center for Economic Development and Research Report, 2003) Causes 9/11 Telecom layoffs General economic downturn similar to entire nation
4 of the Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupations are in IT! OccupationEmploymentPercent Change ***Network systems and data communications analysts*** 106,000166,42057% Medical records and health Information Technicians 69,000101,43047% Computer software engineers, applications software 179,000261,34046% Computer software engineers, systems software 128,000185,60045% Source: US BLS Fastest Growing Occupations,
The Future Depends on our recognizing and leading
Leading change requires consciously leaving the comfort of how we’ve always done things in business, in our community, and in education….. and providing education and training for jobs that we’ve not yet defined.
Neomillennial Students Are digital natives who by high school have spent more time playing video games than reading books
Neomillennial Students Are digital natives who by high school have spent more time talking on cell phones than reading books
Neomillennial Students Are digital natives who by high school have spent four times more time watching TV than reading books
So we can’t teach (or reach) them just with books and other printed materials…. and we must take the time to make education relevant and engaging.
Workers growing up in the 21 st century will have 7 or more careers Therefore, RecruitingMUST be a multi-prong approach
Overall Recruitment Focus Underserved Populations Women Low Income Under represented ethnic groups
Types of Prospective Students Recent High School Graduate Undeclared major Entry level technician Re-careering individual Post Baccalaureate
The BIG Picture Public Relations HHuman Interest Stories Online newsletters, “Lifestyle” magazines SService Clubs/ Chamber of Commerce Don’t forget the churches! KK-8 school events/ Math & Science Nights
The BIG Picture Public Relations CCommunity Events Dia de la Familia PPartnerships Urban League, Junior League Business Advisory Council
Information, Please! Customize SHORT, INFORMAL sessions Java Jolts Pizza Breaks Lunch’n’Learns
Partner with other College Resources Recruiting Student Life Tech Prep Leadership Development Programs CCCCD ACE program resulted in recruitment of undeclared majors through the Developmental Math Program.
Influence the Influencers Parents High School Staff & Faculty June 1 day workshops Field Trip opportunities Community College Colleagues Lunch’n’Learns IT Employers upcoming classes
Make it Hands On High School and College Faculty Workshops
Make it Hands On Girls are IT!
Make It Hands On Summer Institute Grades
Make It Hands On Developmental Math Convergence Fair
Bring It All Together
Don’t Underestimate the Impact Of One on one access to your faculty and dean. Faculty web pages Instant Messaging
Your Best Recruitment Tools are Your Students
Results to date IT/Telecommunications registrations up almost 40% over 2004 Companies that traditionally recruited only 4- year graduates are recruiting from us now (Nortel, Perot, for example)
Questions and Contacts Ann Beheler Principal Investigator Ann Blackman Program Manager This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation