Formative and summative assessment: A focus on developing PGCE students’ skills to provide meaningful feedback and judgements aiming to optimize pupil learning
Furlong states that we need teachers who: take a sharper focus on the needs of individual learners, including helping them in ‘learning how to learn’. evaluate and use different sorts of evidence relevant to the improvement of practice The Donaldson review recommends: A much greater emphasis on teacher led assessment than at present Donaldson states that teachers will require: a deep and secure understanding of the roles of both formative and summative assessment
Furlong observes that the best ITE programmes internationally: develop strong links between theory and practice establish strong links between ITE and CPD of teachers in schools The Annual Estyn Report identifies as a target for ITE: consistency in quality of provision for students
Subjects offered: English, Maths, Welsh, MFL, History, Geography To develop assessment and feedback strategies amongst PGCE students To reinforce the crucial role of assessment and feedback in raising standards To develop consistency of PGCE student experience across schools through two twilight opportunities, filming evidence and student/teacher contribution to Lead Lecture at University
Improved understanding of their progress Clear understanding of how to develop their learning further Dialogue between pupil and teacher – culture of open discussion to promote learning
To offer school-based professionals additional CPD opportunities To access new ideas To access latest research on formative and summative assessment To provide opportunities to critically reflect on current practice
Develop understanding of high-quality formative feedback – school policies, procedures, examples of best practice Provide written formative assessment to target KS3 class over the course of PTE 1 Discuss written feedback verbally with selected learners covering a range of abilities (filming week beginning 23/11/2015) Clarify pupil understanding and promote ownership of learning process Disseminate best practice between students in different ITE schools – PTE1 Twilight Event (week beginning 07/12/2015)
Build on skills developed and feedback gained from PTE 1 and University Focus on KS3 and KS4 Further develop skills in formative assessment Develop understanding of NC levels at KS3 and external assessment criteria at KS4 Begin to make summative judgements with selected learners from different abilities (filming week beginning 25/04/2016) Disseminate best practice between students in different ITE schools through end of placement PTE Twilight Event (week beginning 16/05/2015)
PGCE students consistently demonstrate sound understanding of role of assessment on a school and national level Range of assessment strategies developed and evaluated Creation of filmed resource Students engage in Twilight Events
PGCE student voice – University-led focus group Quality of student feedback and target- setting with learners – subject/senior mentors to monitor Formative (interim) and summative (end of placement) reports Student perceptions of and progress towards QTS standards – University pre and post placement audits