World Class ICT Platform for Primary Care
How do we use next generation IT systems to improve quality outcomes? Feedback loops – OODA or Study act do, becomes real time and improves, situation awareness for individual and population health. Actionable outcomes. Improve presentation of data Communications – Async Series of one way communications....– peer to peer communication can be very short but rich with implied knowledge Sync Peer to peer (knows the jargon) Shared screen in web meetings – removes all integration issues One of the most asked for features by GPs
Complex? Hospital care Small, acute, disease centred, concentrated, Staff ? Primary Care Large, everything, patient centred, spreadout Staff ?
GP Web access to health care data Patient access via web Integration with common practice management and billing systems Support of practice-based clinical research: Audits Costs, processes, outcomes Just in time information Knowledge Management
Do the same thing? Massive increase in knowledge Demand up, practitioner supply down? - Do more with less and spend more time learning (there is plenty of time between 2 and 4am)
Why On look out for developments that may help GP Doing nothing is like choosing the same thing Unnecessary variation is HUGE pain. Thin client not new concept. Proposal to board – time is right Found vendor – approval process..
Cloud???? System to provide private outsourced network and Servers etc, that are not locked to one piece of hardware and allows economies of scale while keeping... individual practice autonomy ” Question Is GP small fast adapting businesses?
Or stuck in the mud that is the Current ICT environment
Multiple vendors with multiple standards all have access to my server!!!!! Patient centered medicine Evidence based medicine Real time population health Personal medical Home
ICT Platform - Current Almost all computers hosted locally at GP Practice (few exceptions) Some Practices have power supply and data backup devices in place, many haven’t PMS software, data security requirements and integration with other systems are becoming too complex for Practice staff to maintain properly Next generations of PMS software require in most cases expensive hardware upgrades Variability in Practice configurations and network connections is creating performance problems Where needed, Practices have independently contracted IT companies and receive varying quality support
What I say to Practices If brought a new server today Will it cope with Future Health net requirements GP2GP, e prescribing, up grades, shared record, other? Is it designed fit for purpose, fit for whole system Do you lead it or it lead you?
ICT Platform - Current
ICT Platform - New
Cutting edge? Wx East Tamaki Apollo Rotorua IPA Just as if local
Benefit Consistent platform More time on User centred design
Moving to the cloud the 2 Onion way 40 practices enrolled, 120 GPs Over next three years... Importance of independence for PMS. Feedback Shared helpdesk
Future HML nursing integration. Shared care project. PMS not geo locked DHB Real time case discussions One log in for concerto/PMS? All roll outs testing in 2 Onion environment first