Digital Writing Final Project Poetry Unit 8th Grade Western Suburbs Dixie L. Boschee
Learning Objectives State/District Standards Students will identify and demonstrate with textual support the following elements of poetry: Alliteration Assonance Consonance Repetition Onomatopoeia Rhyme scheme Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Personification Symbolism Imagery Prose Free Verse Mood Tone Line Stanza
Learning Objectives State/District Standards Students will: use specialized vocabulary related to topic of poetry. fluently read text fluently showing appropriate use of punctuation, expression, intonation and rate. perform expressive oral readings of poetry. write frequently in the form of poetry. use the six-trait writing process to develop writing fluency and skills. participate in conversation and formal discussion of texts.
Poetry Unit Overview Reading –Exposure, explication, analysis, research Performing –Public speaking, fluency, interpretation Writing –Genre variety, writing process, poet biography, poetry lesson
Formative Assessment Pre-Assessments Matching poetic terms & poetic forms –Figurative language, sound devices, sensory language (imagery) Application of poetic terms & poetic forms –Multiple choice Based on textbook (Prentice Hall, The Reader’s Journey) and common district goals for grade level
Formative Assessment On-going Assessment Peer comments on VoiceThread postings –Poet biography and poetry lesson Practice for poetry unit final test –Sound devices, figurative language, sensory language, poetic forms –Differentiated for mild and medium levels
Formative Assessment On-going Assessment 2 Peer reviews of poem drafts/revisions –Use district Moodle & classroom environment Self/Peer feedback on 10 point poem performance –Use Flip cameras to record & assess
Summative Assessment VoiceThread –Poet biography, poetry lesson, reading of poemPoet biography –Differentiated for mild and medium options Unit test –Knowledge & application –Differentiated for mild and medium options Student poetry portfolio –7 poems, 1 visual to accompany poem, reflection Poem explication and analysis –Differentiated for mild, medium and hot options
Reading Fluency Use VoiceThread to record poem reading Feedback from teacher and peers
Reading Details Packet of poems provided at start of unit –Used to: Practice how to read poetry Better comprehension Introduce new and old poets Rehearse performance options
Performance Fluency & Voice Choose up to 10 points of poems to memorize –Points based on length and difficulty Performance options –In front of class –Digitally record and play for class Assessed for –Fluency, interpretation & memorization
Writing Poetry Genres include –Found, concrete, themed-haiku, point of view, place, person/object, idea, ode, two-voice (or three-voice), music-inspired and art-inspired Draft all genres –Choose seven for final portfolio Revise seven poem drafts –Student determines final 4 for final assessment Publish online or paper format
Writing Poet Biography Research a poet of choice –Need 3 sources –Use Diigo to take notes and share sources –Create works cited No Shel Silverstein or Dr. Seuss No bands/musicians
Writing Poet Biography 2 Create PowerPoint or Google Presentation –Design slides of bulleted & visual information Storyboard required Notes for speaking content required –Imported into VoiceThread Design poetry lesson –Use poet’s poem –Select one poetic device –Teach using VoiceThread drawing/voice