Bad Physics in Movies !!
Find a short clip from a movie that shows activities that are not possible from a Physics stand-point. Clips must be appropriate for school !! Students will create and present a multi- media presentation for the class.
A clip from the movie A description of the “bad physics” in the clip. CALCULATIONS showing why it is bad physics. A comparison to real-life of how the calculations prove it is not good physics.
Movie “Troy” ◦ Blues Brothers – speed of car chase ◦ s.shtml s.shtml
Movie “Mario Brothers” Video Game – gravity html Sin City – Strength of bone
You may need to ESTIMATE for some of the data for your calculations If so, submit in your written calculations what has been estimated and what has been measured, or timed. The subject must be calculable – not just look like it is impossible.
Things that move too fast Untrue trajectories Things that break Newton’s 3 rules: ◦ Acceleration is proportional to force and indirectly proportional to mass. ◦ Law of Inertia ◦ Every action has an EQUAL and opposite reaction.
Lack of friction, or too much friction Objects that fall at the wrong rate/incorrect gravity values. Collisions that do not hold to the Law of Conservation of Momentum
A CD of your presentation. A typewritten, brief summary of why the movie clip fails the test of Physics Neatly written calculations
By Friday, January 11 ◦ submit a written description of the chosen movie clip. ◦ Meet with me to discuss how you will work to PROVE the physics behind the scene.