By; Paige Maclachlan, Patinya Rattanapathum & Sammie Coates
-Photoshop is a photo editing software that is used for enhancing images -People can change different aspects of an image to suit the taste or need -It can be used for fun, or for marketing a product
We asked people some questions, to see how they feel about Photoshopping…
How would you feel if you were Photoshopped and looked nothing the same afterwards? ‘upset, I’d think I should look like the picture in real life’ ‘Angry because they are portraying me as something else’ ‘want to be like that in real life’ ‘betrayed’ ‘like I wasn’t good enough, just the way I was, like I had to be better’
When you see a person, in a magazine or on a poster who has been Photoshopped, do you believe they look that way in real life? ‘I did, not anymore though’ ‘yes, they look so perfect’ ‘no, because it’s mostly just been Photoshopped’ ‘Nope, because they make them look too perfect’ ‘No – I’ve heard too much about how they change their photos’
Do you think, you’d like to be Photoshopped? And why? ‘No, because it’s not really me’ ‘Nope – because it would make me feel like I’m not up to their expectations’ ‘Yes – because I would look better’ ‘No, because I would like to just be the same’ ‘No – it’d just make me feel like there was something wrong with how I was’
And why? … It’s no surprise, we feel like this. When we’re shown these advertisements