SC7 - IEEE CS Activity Status Report – T. Doran 6 November 2007 To: J. Walz IEEE CS SAB
T. Doran v NOV07 2 SC7/IEEE CS Activities* ISO/IEC-IEEE Editor ISO/IEC (IEEE 1220) Editor SC7 WG7 Liaison to WG25 Life Cycle Processes and IT Services SC7 Study Group on Relationship of LCP and ITS WG7 SG on Integration/Harmonization WG7 SG on Application of ISO 9001 for the Full Scope of SC 7 Standards IEEE Adoption of ISO/IEC * These show T. Doran involvement in specific activites; see IEEE CS Liaison’s (J. Moore) Report for full SC7 Activity Participation
T. Doran v NOV Alignment Objectives Perform the minimum necessary to align the existing documents, including: Common terminology Common process names (where applicable) Adherence to Guidelines for Process Definition (SWG 5) Incorporation of the two ISO/IEC Amendments Annexes in each document for process reference model information (to be used for assessment purposes), if deemed useful. Harmonization ‘Lite’
T. Doran v NOV07 4 ISO/IEC-IEEE FCD and Balloting 236 comment resolution includes IEEE Recirculation FDIS Update and ‘End game’ Support Publication end game comments (J. Moore) & participation JUL07: FDIS draft submitted to IEEE & ISO Publication level editing (IEEE SA - Jennie Steinhagen) JUL07: IEEE Recirculation ballot JUL-SEP07: Final edits & submission to ISO Central Secretariat 28OCT-28NOV07: ISO/IEC JTC1 ballot NOV07: IEEE Recirculation ballot 28NOV-7DEC07: Any required editorial participation or response DEC07: Publication
T. Doran v NOV07 5 Harmonization Continues … WG7 SG on Strategy for Integration Phase of the Harmonization Project To make recommendations regarding the future content, structure and relationships of ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC and their guides as well as other related documents Interim report (WG7 N0155) includes preliminary recommendations Immediately update the guides to 15288/12207 and for documentation Create Life Cycle Process Architecture Advisory Group (LCPAAG) to produce model(s) of the current LCPs including supporting standards (15289, 15026, 15939, 16085, 2000x, …) SC7-level process repository should be created Montreal Integration/Transition Guidance discussion/report to WG7 User actions and support Preliminary analysis for supporting standards follow-up Final report will address relations on ITSM and Governance plus other issues from 12207/15288 Editors Report
T. Doran v NOV07 6 ISO/IEC (IEEE 1220) ISO/IEC published JUL07 the Fast-track of IEEE Std 1220 TM -2005, IEEE Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process Time to begin update of IEEE 1220 Planned Phase 2 of IEEE 1220-ISO/IEC harmonization effort Integration/Transition Guidance discussion and report to WG7
T. Doran v NOV07 7 Life Cycle Processes and IT Services - 1 SC7 WG7 Liaison to WG25 Reconfirmed in Montreal (NOV07) WG7 participation in NWIP for a Process Reference Model for Develop a ‘Process View’ for (based on 12207/15288:2007) Evolved in Montreal – Support for PRM and Process Assessment Model
T. Doran v NOV07 8 Life Cycle Processes and IT Services - 2 SC7 Study Group on Relationship of LCP and ITS T. Doran liaison to WG7 SG on Strategy for Integration Phase of the Harmonization Project Investigate Alternative technical approaches for representing the relationship between life cycle processes and the provision of IT services Case for perceiving increased end-user value in a tighter relationship among the standards addressing IT service management, IT governance, and life cycle process definition and assessment Interim report (SC7 N3860) includes SG member ‘discussions’ and contributions (e.g. a process analysis and article) Preliminary Conclusion (so far) -- harmonization among the standards addressing IT service management, IT governance, and life cycle process definition and assessment, is a positive objective to be pursued
T. Doran v NOV07 9 Life Cycle Processes and IT Services - 3 WG7 SG on Application of ISO 9001 for the Full Scope of SC 7 Standards Montreal WG7 Resolution-6 (based on US proposal) T. Doran representing IEEE CS in the SG Investigate possibility of producing a standard to provide guidance for the application of ISO 9001 for the full scope of SC 7 standards Follow examples of ISO/IEC and ISO/IEC TR Liaise with WG 23, SWG 5 and other interested organizations including IBSMA, ISACA, eTOM and itSQC
T. Doran v NOV07 10 IEEE Adoption of ISO/IEC Delayed – questions from US Adoption should continue and should keep 20000:2005 as the base Joint processes still need work E.g. IEEE Web site ‘WG’ list(?): IEEE adoptions of SC7 standards usually no WG or WG = SC7 Editor/s mapping and Process View