CS 338The Relational Model2-1 The Relational Model Lecture Topics Overview of SQL Underlying relational model Relational database structure SQL DDL and.


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Presentation transcript:

CS 338The Relational Model2-1 The Relational Model Lecture Topics Overview of SQL Underlying relational model Relational database structure SQL DDL and DML Views Textbook Chapter 3

CS 338The Relational Model2-2 Overview of SQL Structured Query Language (SQL, sometimes pronounced “sequel”) ISO/IEC 9075, international standard for relational database systems the standard is evolving: –1986: SQL1; initial version, 75 pages –1989: SQL89; most commercial products conform to this version, with extensions –1992: SQL2; three levels of conformity, ~600 pages –1999: SQL99 (sometimes called SQL3), ~1200 pages –2007: under revision again

CS 338The Relational Model2-3 powerful view definition language integrity constraints in conceptual schema DML can be embedded in various programming languages (called “embedded SQL”), or used via programming libraries –object/class libraries in OO environments transaction control authorization sublanguage/model...continued Main features:

CS 338The Relational Model2-4 DBMS Application 1Application 2 Application 3 View AView B Conceptual Level Physical Schema Database SQLSQL...continued

CS 338The Relational Model2-5 Underlying relational model Example relational database for a credit card company Vendor VnoVnameCityVbal Sears Kmart Esso Toronto Ottawa Montreal Waterloo Customer AccNumCnameProvCbalClimit Smith Jones Martin Ont BC Que Transaction TnoVnoAccNumTdateAmount

CS 338The Relational Model2-6 Structure of a relational database Database: collection of uniquely named tables (relations) Relation: set of rows (tuples) Attribute: column Domain: set of allowed values for an attribute Attribute values must be atomic (single values): no tuples or sets or repetition Row: distinguishable thing Table: set of related things

CS 338The Relational Model2-7 Diagrammatic conventions Vendor VnoVnameCityVbal or Vendor Vno Vname City Vbal

CS 338The Relational Model2-8 Pictorial schema Vname City VBal Vno Vendor AccNum Cname Prov Cbal Climit Customer Tno Vno AccNum Tdate Amount Transaction

CS 338The Relational Model2-9 The SQL DDL used for defining –tables –views example of table definition (conceptual schema): create table Vendor (Vno INTEGER not null, Vname VARCHAR(20), City VARCHAR(10), Vbal DECIMAL(10,2), primary key (Vno) );

CS 338The Relational Model2-10 create table Customer (AccNum INTEGER not null, Cname VARCHAR(20) not null, Prov VARCHAR(20), Cbal DECIMAL(6,2) not null, Climit DECIMAL(4,0) not null, primary key (AccNum) ); create table Transaction (Tno INTEGER not null, Vno INTEGER not null, AccNum INTEGER not null, Tdate DATE, Amount DECIMAL(6,2) not null, primary key (Tno), foreign key (Vno) references vendor(Vno), foreign key (AccNum) references Customer(AccNum) );...continued

CS 338The Relational Model2-11 Attribute domains in SQL INTEGER: integers representable with 32 bits SMALLINT: integers representable with 16 bits DECIMAL(m,n): fixed point numbers FLOAT: 32 bit floating point numbers CHAR(n): fixed length strings VARCHAR(n): variable length strings BIT(n): n bits BIT VARYING(n): variable number of bits

CS 338The Relational Model2-12 DATE (year, month, day) TIME (hour, minute, second) TIME(i) (hour, minute, second, second fraction) TIMESTAMP (date, time, second fraction) INTERVAL YEAR/MONTH (year month interval) INTERVAL DAY/TIME (day time interval) plus many, many product-specific (non- standard) extensions...continued

CS 338The Relational Model2-13 Modifying table definitions Table schemas can be changed after the table has been created: –adding columns –removing columns –removing constraints (e.g. p-key) –some SQL implementations allow renaming a column modifying a column Example: ALTER TABLE Vendor ADD Street VARCHAR(15)

CS 338The Relational Model2-14 Removing tables SQL operation is “drop” Tables can be dropped at any time Dropping a table deletes the schema and the instance All views, foreign-key definitions are also removed Example: DROP TABLE Transaction

CS 338The Relational Model2-15 SQL has a non-navigational DML: E.g. “Find names and provinces of customers who owe more than $1000 to the company.” select Cname, Prov from Customer where Cbal > 1000; The SQL DML

CS 338The Relational Model2-16 basic querying: select columns from R 1,..., R k [ where filter ] ; result is a relation over columns (columns = “*” means all attributes in R 1,..., R k ) R 1,..., R k : tables from which the data is retrieved filter : conditions on tuples used to form the result; optional...continued

CS 338The Relational Model2-17 conditions may include: –arithmetic operators +, -, *, / –comparisons =, <>,, >= –logical connectives and, or and not...continued E.g. “List the names of the customers who live in Ontario and whose balance is over 80% of their balance limit.” select Cname from Customer where Prov = 'Ont' and Cbal > 0.8 * Climit;

CS 338The Relational Model2-18 basic insertion: insert into Customer values (104, ‘Anne', 'ON', 0, 4000); deletion: delete Customer rows for customers named Smith: delete from Customer where Cname = 'Smith'; delete all transactions: delete from Transaction;...continued

CS 338The Relational Model2-19 modification, changing existing rows set balance of account 102 to zero: update Customer set Cbal = 0 where AccNum = 102; add $100 to each customer’s monthly limit: update Customer set Climit = Climit + 100;...continued

CS 338The Relational Model2-20 SQL external schema called views a view is a named query (result is usually computed when the view is used) create view WatVendors as select VNo, VName, VBal from Vendor where City = 'Waterloo'; views can be used in retrieval exactly like tables (but updates of views are restricted)

CS 338The Relational Model2-21 Advantages of views logical data independence simplified perception of the database different views for different users restricting data access

CS 338The Relational Model2-22 Basic relational concepts Relating to descriptions of data: Attribute (column): a name denoting a property or characteristic Relation schema (table header): a finite set of attributes and a mapping of each attribute to a domain (defined below)

CS 338The Relational Model2-23 Relating to data: Domain: an “abstract data type” (i.e. a name, a set of values and a number of functions defined over the values) Null value: a special exception value (meaning “not known”, “not applicable”) Tuple: a set of attribute/value pairs, with each attribute occurring at most once Relation (table): a relation schema, and a finite set of tuples Relational database: a finite set of relation names and a mapping of each relation name to a relation...continued

CS 338The Relational Model2-24 Other: Intention of a relation: the associated relation schema Extension of a relation: the associated set of tuples...continued The relational model assumes no ordering of either rows or columns for any table.

CS 338The Relational Model2-25 Basic rules Domain constraints: the value associated with each attribute in a tuple must occur in the set of values associated with the domain of the attribute; or the value is Null First normal form: domain values cannot be tuples or relations Completeness: each tuple in a relation has an attribute/value pair for precisely the set of attributes in the associated relation schema Closed world: the database “knows of” all tuples in all relations Unique rows: no two distinct tuples in any given relation consist of the same set of attribute/value pairs

CS 338The Relational Model2-26 Keys Relation superkey: a subset of the associated relation schema for which no pair of distinct tuples in the relation will ever agree on the corresponding values. Relation candidate key: a minimal superkey Relation primary key: a distinguished candidate key of the relation Foreign key: primary key of one relation appearing as attributes of another relation Foreign keys enable capturing more complex entity structure

CS 338The Relational Model2-27 Integrity of primary and foreign keys Entity integrity: No component of a primary key value may be the null value, nor may be updated. Referential integrity: A tuple with a non-null value for a foreign key that does not match the primary key value of a tuple in the referenced relation is not allowed.