What is modals of obligation Where can you use them?
Give an example for: predicative adjectives? attributives adjectives?
yet already means that something happened earlier than we expected. With Present Perfect already usually goes after have or has and before the main verb. means that something that we expected has happened or hasn't happened. We usually put it at the end of a sentence.
We've had our breakfast. - When are you going to do your homework? - But I've done it! - Do you want a cup of coffee? - No, thanks. I've had one." - Has the post arrived -----? - Have you done your homework? - Not Haven't you got ready ? Look at the time!
Where can you use (some) and (any)? Complete these sentences using some, any or no article at all. I believe that people enjoy having fun. The minister says that trade is one way to build the economy. They don't sell fruit at the shop but they have vegetables. The book says that they eat leaves but I think they eat fruit too. It says here that rice is grown in Asia. If you don't eat food you'll be hungry by lunchtime. Have you ever read books by Ian McEwan? I don't think he had reason to shout at me like that. I enjoy wine but beer gives me a headache. I love dofu. Is there dofu left?
what is multiword verbs
what is present perfect continuous
Use (will)…(going to) in the following sentences
Classify these words into subject pronounsobject pronouns
Use the wh question words to complete the following questions
Where do use modals possibility 'may', 'might' and 'could'?