P ARTS OF SPEECH Carlos Daniel Prado Pérez Angélica Rodríguez
P ARTS OF SPEECH There are 9 categories of words that contain the parts of speech: Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Pronouns Articles Interjections Prepositions Conjunctions
T YPES OF S ENTENCES Simple sentence or independent clause. Contains one subject and at least one verb. A simple sentence is called too an independent clause. Compound sentence Contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. A coordinator is remembered from the acronym FANBOYS, that is: F or, A nd, N ot, B ut, O r, Y et, S o.
T YPES OF S ENTENCES Complex sentences These type of sentences have an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. They use of subordinators, for instance: until, since, because, even though, while, when, wherever, etc. A complex sentence requires the use of a coma, unlike compound sentences.
C OMPLEX - COMPOUND SENTENCES Compound sentences have at least two independent clauses. Complex sentences have at least one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. The following figure contains the general parts of speech. Word Phrase Clause Clause + Clause
V ERBS A verb is the part of speech that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being. There are two main kind of verbs: Action verbs. They are observable, for example: jump, eat, ride, cry Helping verbs which can be : Modals : should, may, could Auxiliary : have, will, do Linking : be, like, hate, love
V ERB STRING An important category of verbs are the verbs string which are formed by the formula: V helping + V action = V string Here, an action verb can be in base form, infinitive, gerund or past participle. For example: Base form : go Infinitive : to go Gerund or present participle – going Past participle : gone
Verb Strings Simple/ Compound & Complex Sentences Parts of speech Phrases Clauses Sentences DIAGRAM OF PARTS