St. Teresa of Avila 2015 marks the 500 th anniversary of St. Teresa’s birth. Some describe her as ‘the Pope Francis of her time’
In a message to mark the 500 th anniversary of St. Teresa’s birth this year the Holy Father tells us that this great Saint was a woman of immense spirituality and focuses on four gifts in particular that she possessed: joy, prayer, fellowship and being in touch with the realities of her own time. In a message to mark the 500 th anniversary of St. Teresa’s birth this year the Holy Father tells us that this great Saint was a woman of immense spirituality and focuses on four gifts in particular that she possessed: joy, prayer, fellowship and being in touch with the realities of her own time. The Pope writes that St Teresa emphasizes the joy in discovering God, resulting in the love for one another nourished by prayer, which he says “overcomes pessimism and generates good deeds.” The Pope writes that St Teresa emphasizes the joy in discovering God, resulting in the love for one another nourished by prayer, which he says “overcomes pessimism and generates good deeds.”
St Teresa of Avila was born in Avila, Spain on 15th March Her parents were both pious Catholics and in some ways inspired their daughter to take up a life of prayer. As a young child Teresa showed signs of a deeply religious nature; she would often retreat into silence for prayer and enjoyed giving alms to the poor. She was very close to her Mother, who provided a warm counterbalance, to the strictness of her father. However in her teens, Teresa’s mother passed away, leaving the young Teresa distraught at the void she felt. The young St Teresa tells of her despair and how she turned instinctively to the Virgin Mary for comfort: "I threw myself down in despair before an image of the Mother of God. With many tears, I implored the Holy Virgin to become my mother now. Uttered with the simplicity of a child, this prayer was heard. From that hour on, I never prayed to Our Lady in vain." Teresa dedicated her life to God and entered a convent.
At the age of 43 St. Teresa decided she wanted to found a new order; recommitting to the values of poverty and simplicity. Initially her aims were greeted with widespread opposition from within the town of Avila. However, with the support of some Priests, the opposition waned and she was allowed to set up her first convent. St. Teresa proved to be an influential leader and founder. She guided the nuns not just through strict disciplines, but also through the power of love, and common sense.. Although she underwent many sorrows herself, to others she stressed the importance of experiencing God’s love.
She said:" The important thing is not to think much but to love much and so do that which best stirs you to love.” St Teresa devoted much of the rest of her life to traveling around Spain setting up new convents based along the ancient monastic traditions.
" May God protect me from gloomy saints," Teresa said, and that's how she ran her convent. To her, spiritual life was an attitude of love, not a rule. Although she proclaimed poverty, she believed in work, not in begging. She believed in obedience to God more than penance. If you do something wrong, don't punish yourself; change. When someone felt depressed, her advice was that she go some place where she could see the sky and take a walk. When someone was shocked that she was going to eat well, she answered, "There's a time for partridge and a time for penance." St. Teresa’s common sense!
St. Teresa wrote a number of books and volumes of poetry. Two of her best known and best loved prayer poems are: ‘God alone is enough’ and ‘Christ has no Body now but Yours’ God Alone is enough Let nothing upset you, let nothing startle you. All things pass; God does not change. Patience wins all it seeks. Whoever has God lacks nothing: God alone is enough
Christ has no Body …. Christ has no body now on earth but yours; Christ has no body now on earth but yours; yours are the only hands with which He can do His work. yours are the only hands with which He can do His work. Yours are the only feet with which He can go about the world; Yours are the only feet with which He can go about the world; yours are the only eyes through which His compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world. yours are the only eyes through which His compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world. Christ has no body on earth but yours. Christ has no body on earth but yours. These words continue to inspire people and we recall them during this month: These words continue to inspire people and we recall them during this month: UN World Food Day UN World Food DayUN World Food DayUN World Food Day International Day for the Eradication of Poverty International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, You raised up St. Teresa of Avila to be a guide in the ways of prayer. Give me the grace to follow her example by regularly taking time to pray to God, and quiet time to listen to God. Lord Jesus Christ, You raised up St. Teresa of Avila to be a guide in the ways of prayer. Give me the grace to follow her example by regularly taking time to pray to God, and quiet time to listen to God. Help me to experience your love and see the importance of love for others as St. Teresa did. Help me to experience your love and see the importance of love for others as St. Teresa did. Thank you Lord for this day. Give me the wisdom to see its possibilities, Thank you Lord for this day. Give me the wisdom to see its possibilities, the strength to face its challenges, and the grace to be open to its promise. the strength to face its challenges, and the grace to be open to its promise. Give me your heart of love to do a favour, speak a kindness, offer a hand, soothe a hurt, celebrate a joy, share a sorrow, or in some small way give myself in love to another in your name Amen. Amen.