Advertising Strategies Strategies are simply “rules of thumb” they apply to love, war, videogames, and -yes - advertising you can’t just jump-in; you need to think about how you will proceed! What would you do if you were asked …
ADVERTISING STRATEGY: THE STRATEGIC HIERARCHY Advertising / Creative Objectives Creative Execution Creative Strategies
Advertising ( Creative Objectives) 1.Communicate unique attributes/ benefits 2.increase frequency of use 3.communicate variety of use 4.attract new targets 5.product improvement 6.line extensions 7.communicate promotional incentives
Creative Strategies (or “Appeals”) ( What type of appeal will you use within your target market to reach your main advertising objective?) 1.positive 2.negative 3.factual 4.comparative 5.humorous 6.emotional 7.sexual
Creative Execution Specific technique you will use in this campaign 1.testimonials 2.endorsements 3.demonstrations 4.product as hero 5.torture tests 6.product comparisons 7.lots of others
CREATIVE STRATEGIES thousands of ways to put these together: e.g. communicate unique attributes using a humourous appeal by doing a product demonstration OR attract new targets using a sexual appeal by means of endorsements
BRANDS 1Individual Brand (Close-up toothpaste) 2Family Brand (Heinz -umbrella name) 3National Brand (Nike) 4Private Label (Craftsman) 5Licensed Brand (Sunkist - pay to use brand) TYPES:
BRANDS Originally used to counter powerful wholesalers, and to differentiate quality Early brands: Levis (1873) Budweiser (1876) Brands have two components: –Rational: look, feel, physical attributes, claims –Irrational: what you feel: emotional, intuitive, sub- conscious. Hidden, harder to measure except in $ –1980’s RJR Nabisco, with $3 billion in fixed assets, sold for $12 billion. Brand worth $9 billion!
BRANDS Mid-80’s, new type of companies emerged: –Brands were the business! Nike, Hillfiger, etc. –Whole ideas was to make people feel a certain way by creating a brand image
BRANDS Key point 1: Many brand companies did not actually make anything Figure out what people want to feel, think, and be like Create artificial personalities (brands) that re- create, reflect and embody these feelings, thoughts, and wishes Some brand co’s made a product but basically undifferentiated goods (e.g. COKE, Gap, Nike),
BRANDS Key point 2: Brand “escalating arms race” Only way to create brand was to advertise, so: you had no choice but to advertise like crazy (since everyone else was) Mad rush to find new ways/places to advertise: schools, sporting events, bathrooms. Bush/Olympics
BRANDS Brands co’s and their products really nothing more than a vehicle for conveying pre-defined attitudes (Pavlov) Using market research; co’s know: What we want to say to the world about ourselves What we want to think and feel to be happier with ourselves and the world They “position” brands (falsely) to address these inner needs.
Examples of Advertising Spending htm