The spirit of service learning provided for opportunities to learn about the world while trying to make a difference in it as well. Service Learning Tsunami Relief Jump-a-Thon
In the beginning of 2006, middle and high school students worked across grade levels to learn about the Cayman culture through hands on learning experiences. Exploratories Week Link to newspaper article on exploratories week
Cayman Islands Mural Project Learning Objectives: Students will work in groups, apply research skills and create original work by designing and developing a Cayman Islands historical mural. Project Introduction: If you were going to draw a collage or mural of pictures to represent who you are, what would you I include in it and why? How about the Cayman Islands? If you were to create a mural to represent Cayman, what would you include in it and why? A mural often has things that symbolize something in both a literally and figurative way. Murals often symbolize the past, present and future of a given culture. Research: Theme: The Cayman Islands - Using the research packets and the internet, discover what you would consider are the themes that represent what the Cayman Islands are all about. Brainstorming Mural Images: Come up with images that relay the theme. Murals communicate their messages without the need of text because the visuals are self-explanatory. Your images should display wonderful insight and creativity. Narrowing your Choices: Decide on what symbols you want in your mural and how many you should have. Measure the mural surface to get an idea of how large your mural will be. This will help determine the size of your drawings. Rough Copy: Using transparencies of the images you chose, create a rough copy of your mural on bulletin board paper. You need to decide what colors to use and create a colored rough copy. What is the title of your mural going to be? Final Copy: Prepare the surface of the handball court for painting. Using chalk, with the help of the overhead projector trace the images to the appropriate spot and size. Following the color scheme in your rough copy, paint the images in appropriately. Clear coat the mural to protect it from the elements. Be neat, detailed and creative. This timeline represents you, our school and the Cayman Islands.
Cayman Islands Timeline Project Learning Objectives: Students will work in groups, apply research skills and create original work by designing and developing a Cayman Islands historical timeline. Project Introduction: What are some of the major events in your life? When did they occur and what happened? Why are certain events in our lives consider important? How about in Cayman? What events in the history of the Cayman Islands are considered major or important events? Why? Research: Using the research packets and the internet, discover what you would consider the major events in the history of the Cayman Islands. What makes an event major or important? Usually, this means that it effected many people and is still remembered in the future. After you do your research, we will decide as a group which events to include in our timeline. Timeline: The timeline will be created on one of the walls of the handball court. In order to prepare and implement the timeline, you should follow these steps: Measure the wall. Based on the size of the lettering you desire, decide how many events you can include on your timeline and what years it will span. Will you illustrate this timeline with some pictures? Make sure you leave enough room for illustrations. What will the title of your timeline be? What design or layout for this timeline will you use? What materials will you need? i.e. paint, brushes, chalk, stencils, yard sticks, string……. Rough Copy: Make photocopy transparencies of illustrations you want to include. You need to create a rough copy of your timeline on bulletin board paper. Final Copy: Prepare the surface of the handball court for painting. Use stencils and chalk to make a template on the handball court wall. The overhead projector can help you with outlining. Using the supplies you have, create the final copy of your timeline. Clear coat the timeline in order to protect it from the elements. Be neat, detailed and creative. This timeline represents you, our school and the Cayman Islands.