Step 6: Ensure Use and Share Lessons Learned Luann D’Ambrosio, MEd
Describe the importance of presenting results to different audiences Demonstrate how to present information Objectives
The CDC Evaluation Framework
Communicating to Stakeholders Supporters/implementers Recipients/beneficiaries Decision-makers
Communicating With Groups Know the group Values, beliefs, perceptions Stakeholders want different things Values, beliefs, perceptions Stakeholders want different things Build on group’s background Find common ground; use analogy State concept before details “What’s the purpose?”
Communicating With Groups Depict relationships clearly Food borne investigation Introduce new terms gently PERC = percolation test Keep words, sentences short Use active voice Use numbers (but not too many) How fast, how big, how many
Communicating to Groups Avoid jargon Illness = morbidity Death = mortality Illness = morbidity Death = mortality Provide illustrations Charts, pictures Repeat major ideas, themes Three maximum Check out the message Use your best critics