Warm-Up and Prompt 3 Workshop April 22, 2014
Warm-Up Who/what makes you who you are? Are you born a certain way? Does your environment shape you (e.g. Locke’s tabula rasa, aka blank slate, and the existentialists). Take out your warm-up directions that are on the back of your philosophy essay directions, and make sure you have completed ALL of the directions.
Labeling for YOUR beliefs (wait on the compare/contrast part) Make a key at the top of your paper using your highlighters Sample: Blue=Statement (What you believe in response to the prompt questions) Pink=Proof (from your own life/world around you. This is the answer to why you believe what you do. If you quoted a holy text, you can highlight that pink as well, but you still have to have the part from your own life/world around you in your essay) Yellow=Commentary (explanation of the example from above and how it proves your belief to you) Highlight the body paragraphs for statement, proof, and commentary using your key IN THE MARGINS: WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU ARE MISSING
Labeling for compare/contrast Make a key at the top of your paper using your highlighters Sample: Blue=Statement (what your philosopher believes about the topic) Pink=Proof (quote supporting what you said your philosopher believes. You should have TWO of these!) Yellow=Commentary (your explanation of the quote and WHY you agree or disagree with this viewpoint) Highlight the body paragraphs for statement, proof, and commentary using your key IN THE MARGINS: WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU ARE MISSING
Devil’s Advocate Time! Swap papers with someone (I suggest you swap with someone you will disagree with) Now go through and argue all of their points. What are holes in their arguments? What are things that they may not have thought about? Be ruthless! Pretend you are that annoying little kid that keeps asking “but why” when somebody explains something. Point out when your partner doesn’t get to the heart of why they believe what they believe. “Because I grew up that way” or “Because it is in my holy text” is not enough. Why, as an adult, do they believe this or agree/disagree with the philosopher.