June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 1 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS WUGS, APIC and SPC Tutorial Exercises John DeHart Washington University
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 2 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercises – General Info PLEASE READ THROUGH ALL THE SLIDES TITLED “Exercises – General Info” BEFORE BEGINNING THE EXERCISES Five groups Each Group will work with: –2 Hosts 1 NetBSD 1 Linux –1 WUGS Switch –1 MSR WUGS populated with 8 SPCs CP: Linux Host The MSR will only be used toward the end Each group will have its own directory tree Each group will have its own login
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 3 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercises – General Info Your directories are already populated with the wu_arl tree We will have already done: cd ~/wu_arl ./Make.script depend ./Make.script install –This builds all the utilities We will use some predefined environment variables: setenv WUARL ~/wu_arl setenv WUTUT $WUARL/TUTORIAL/ setenv WUGSTUT $WUTUT/wugs_apic_spc
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 4 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercises – General Info The Exercise instructions will refer to –Linux Host: Use this as your base machine: then ssh to others –NetBSD Host –MSR CP –MSR Serial Line Linux Host –MSR Serial Line NetBSD Host Hostnames for your group are in the following table:
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 5 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercises – General Info Group 1 login: msr1 pw: Msr1Tut Group2 login: msr2 pw:Msr2Tut Group3 login: msr3 pw:Msr3Tut Group4 login: msr4 pw:Msr4Tut Group5 login: msr5 pw:Msr0Tut Linuxmousertabbymottiabyssiniantomcat NetBSDdemand5deaknmvc2gussienmvc3 MSR CPdemand4demand0nmvc1demand3demand8 SL Linuxdemand4 > cu –l ttyS0 –s 9600 demand0 > cu –l ttyS0 –s 9600 demand7 > cu –l ttyS0 –s 9600 tomcat cu –l ttyS0 –s 9600 demand7 > cu –l ttyS1 –s 9600 SL NetBSDdemand5 > tip spc1 deak > tip spc0 deak > tip spc1 nmvc2 > tip spc1 demand5 > tip spc0 The tip and cu commands will make sense when it is time to use them. root passwords: TutR00T (those are zeros)
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 6 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercises – General Info 1.Simple WUGS Connections 2.Jammer Procedures 3.APIC and IP Configurations 4.WUGS Monitoring 5.Traffic Generation: AAL5Generator 6.Boot the SPC: AAL5Download 7.Boot the MSR: MSR_Config 8.SPC Kernel Building
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 7 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 1: Simple WUGS Connections Configure the WUGS switch for IP connectivity between two Hosts The Hosts are already configured, you just need to provide the ATM connectivity. –check that the IP addresses on your ATM interfaces agree with figure below Linux: > /sbin/ifconfig atm0 NetBSD > /sbin/ifconfig apic0 Try pinging them before you configure the connections: –From Linux Host: > ping –n –From NetBSD Host: > ping –n P1 NetBSD Host P4 Linux Host WUGS VCI 100 VCI 100
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 8 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 1 (Continued) Start newGBNSC.init on your Linux Host cd $WUGSTUT/cfgs/WUGS $WUGS/bin/Linux/newGBNSC.init –P3551 –init init.switch config.GBNSC.port4 & Defined a UNI link on port 0 Defined a UNI link on port 1 Defined an NNI link on port 2 Defined a UNI link on port 3 Defined an NNI link on port 4 Defined an NNI link on port 5 Defined an NNI link on port 6 Defined an NNI link on port 7ATMCard: trying to open connection on interface: atm0 Switch controller for GBN switch 0.1 Controller is READY Switch is ALIVE Switch has 8 Ports Switch has Hz ClockRate CP connected to IPP 4 OPP 4 Control path to the switch via port 4 on VPI/VCI 0/32 Control path from the switch via port 4 on VPI/VCI 0/32 GBNSC is listening on TCP Port 3551
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 9 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 1 (Continued) Run Jammer on your NetBSD Host cd $WUGSTUT/cfgs/WUGS $WUGS/bin/NetBSD/Jammer Enter command: ping sm Ping Operation Completed Successfully Enter command: reset sm Enter command: Reset Operation Completed Successfully You can also run newGBNSC.init on your NetBSD Host –what is the difference between these two files config.GBNSC.port1 config.GBNSC.port4 And you can run Jammer from either host… –It can run on the same machine as newGBNSC.init or anywhere…
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 10 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 1 (Continued) Write MR 2 for each port your hosts are on –set the bits for softwareLinkEnable and setSoftwareLinkEnable –to see what the MR currently holds, do this: Enter command: read mr 1 2 –then do this for port 1 Enter command: write mr 1 2 –it will prompt you for each field in the MR –fill them in with what you saw from the read mr and set the two fields mentioned above to 1. –For your other port try doing the write mr with all those fields on one command line: Enter command: write mr …… –After you are done, read both of them to verify: Enter command: read mr 1 2 Enter command: read mr 4 2
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 11 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 1 (Continued) Write VPXT 0 for each port your hosts are on –set the VPT bit –nothing else matters! Enter command: write vpxt –it will prompt you for each field in the VPXT –fill them in with 0’s except for the vpt bit, set that to 1. –For your other port try doing the write vpxt with all those fields on one command line: Enter command: write vpxt …… –After you are done, read both of them to verify: Enter command: read vpxt 1 0 Enter command: read vpxt 4 0
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 12 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 1 (Continued) Write VCXT 100 for each port your hosts are on –set the values like this (# and after are just my comments): bi = 1# Busy Idle bit. 1 active entry rc = 2# Routing Control: 2 route Copy 1 d = 1# Data/Control: 1 data cells cyc1 = 0# Recycle for Copy1: 0 OPP will send Copy1 out on the link cyc2 = 0# Recycle for Copy2: 0 OPP will send Copy2 out on the link cs = 0# Continuous Stream: 0 Discrete Traffic (lower priority in OPP buffer) ud1 = 0# Upstream Discard for Copy1: 0 Do not do upstream discard in OPP ud2 = 0# Upstream Discard for Copy2: 0 Do not do upstream discard in OPP sc = 0# Set CLP Bit: 0 Do not set CLP bit in cells vpt = 0# Virtual Path Termination: 0 this entry does not terminate a VPI rco = 0# ReCycle Only: 0 This entry can be used for link traffic and recycle traffic br = 0# Bypass Resequencer: 0 cells will go through the resequencer in the OPP mapt1vpi = 0# Map Copy1 VPI: Copy1 cells will leave with VPI=0 mapt1vci = 100# Map Copy1 VCI: Copy1 cells will leave with VCI=100 bdi1 = 0# Block Discard Index for Copy1: Label for block discard features mapt2vpi = 0# Map Copy1 VPI: Copy2 cells will leave with VPI=0 mapt2vci = 0# Map Copy1 VPI: Copy2 cells will leave with VPI=0 bdi2 = 0# Block Discard Index for Copy1: Label for block discard features adr1 = (destination port)# Destination Port for Copy1 cells adr2 = 0# Destination Port for Copy2 cells
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 13 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 1 (Continued) Now you should be able to ping from NetBSD Host ping –n from Linux Host ping –n if/when it does not work: –in Jammer try reading mr 4 and mr 15 on each port. mr 4 contains the receive cell counter for the port mr 15 contains the transmit cell counter for the port –read the VCXT cell counters for VCI 100 at each port Enter command: read vcxtcc –try re-reading mr 2, vpxt 0 and vcxt 100 to verify that they are all set properly.
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 14 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 1 (Continued) When it does work try this: –kill you ping –read mr 4 and 15 on each port do each twice to make sure the counters are not changing. (do they?) write the values down to compare later –read vcxtcc 100 on each port do each twice to make sure the counters are not changing. (do they?) write the values down to compare later –try this ping from your Linux Host ping –n –c 10 –s try ‘man ping’ if you don’t know what the options mean –wait for the command to complete –repeat the reads from above (mr 4, 15 and vcxtcc 100) –Do the counts make sense? Are there any control cells being counted in there? Can you see advantages to each of “read vcxtcc” and “read mr” How many ATM cells would be in a ping with size (-s) 4? Try pings with different values with the -s
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 15 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 2: Jammer Procedures Basically what we did in Exercise 1 was: –Configured the Port write mr 2 write vpxt 0 –Configured the VCXT entry: write vcxt 100 Now we want to generalize that with Jammer procedures
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 16 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 2: (continued) There is a Jammer procedure template in –$WUGSTUT/cfgs/WUGS/template.js –Take a look at it. –Try running the template on your Linux Host: $WUGS/bin/Linux/Jammer Enter command: include template.js Enter command: template(1,2) Enter command: quit –Try running the template this way: $WUGS/bin/Linux/Jammer template.js Enter command: template(1,2) Enter command: quit –Now, edit the file template.js and uncomment all the lines that look like these (6 of them): # set print quiet_ack # set print normal –Then run it again. Notice any difference?
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 17 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 2 (continued) Write two procedures: proc initPort(int port) proc uniDirConn(int port1, int vci1, int port2, int vci2) –Put them both in a file utils.js When you get them working you should be able to redo Exercise 1 with just this: Enter command: reset sm Enter command: include utils.js Enter command: initPort(1) Enter command: initPort(4) Enter command: uniDirConn(1,100,4,100) Enter command: uniDirConn(4,100,1,100) Then you should be able to do your pings again. –The “reset sm” above resets the switch and clears all your previous WUGS connections You might want to start a “ping –n ” before you do the “reset sm” and leave it running to see when it starts succeeding…
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 18 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 2 (continued) It might also be useful to have this procedure: proc biDirConn(int port1, int vci1, int port2, int vci2) –Add it to your file utils.js if you want We will use utils.js later
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 19 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 3: APIC and IP Configurations For Exercises 1 and 2 we preconfigured your Hosts for you Now we want you to perform that configuration As root on your NetBSD Host and your Linux Host, reboot each of them When they are done rebooting, log back in
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 20 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 3: APIC and IP Configurations For this exercise we want to configure them like this: P1 NetBSD Host P4 Linux Host WUGS VCI 50 VCI 50 We’ll take one host at a time, first the NetBSD Host…
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 21 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 3A: NetBSD Device and IP Config Referring to the APIC Software talk from this morning As root: –use ifconfig to configure the APIC with an IP address: –use atm_ifconfig to configure VCI 50 for AAL5 watch out for hexidecimal versus decimal!!! –use atm_ifconfig to configure VCI 32 for AAL0_CELL use newGBNSC.init needs this one –use route add to configure a route to your router using VCI 50 watch out for hexidecimal versus decimal!!! Yes, I know the router doesn’t really exist but for now lets pretend… –now add a route for via your router route add
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 22 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 3B: Linux Device and IP Config Referring to the APIC Software talk from this morning As root on your Linux Host: –edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-atm0 to set the IPADDR and associated network parameters. We want this host to have IP address –Configure the device by running: /etc/init.d/atm start You should see: Starting ATM demons: [OK] Now lets kill atmsigd and ilmid ps –auxwww | grep atmsigd ps –auxwww | grep ilmid kill –Check the device configuration: ifconfig atm0
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 23 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 3B: Linux Device and IP Config As root on your Linux Host: –use atmarp to configure VCI 50 to connect to your router: beware of decimal versus hexidecimal –use route add to add a route to via your router
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 24 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 3C: Build the Connections Now using what you learned in Exercises 1 and 2 use the procedures you built to make the necessary connections in the WUGS switch. –Run your newGBNSC.init on your NetBSD Host –Run Jammer on whichever machine you want Test what you have done with ping. If it doesn’t work –try using Jammer to read: Port 1, MR 4 and MR 15 Port 4, MR 4 and MR 15 Port 1, VCXTCC for the VCI you are using Port 4, VCXTCC for the VCI you are using –check your routing table on your hosts: netstat -nr
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 25 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 4: WUGS Monitoring Now we will monitor the traffic in the WUGS We will re-use the connections and configurations you build in Exercises 3A, 3B and 3C. On your Linux Host: cd $WUGSTUT/cfgs/GUI /pkg/jdk1.2.2/bin/java –jar $MSR/apps/javaGUI/pubgui.jar
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 26 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 4: (Continued) In the gui, monitor the switch controlled by your NetBSD Host Here is what we want to monitor –Port 1 Bandwidth without recycling –Port 4 Bandwidth without recycling –Port 1 VCI 50 Bandwidth –Port 4 VCI 50 Bandwidth Try this ping command as root on your NetBSD Host: –ping –n –f –i 0.1 –s What happens when you try pings with different size arguments (-s #)? Explore other features of the monitoring gui. –Especially try saving your monitoring configuration to a file, quit, restart the GUI and load your configuration from a file –Try changing the axes –Try placing your mouse over the labels in the right margin.
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 27 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 5: AAL5Generator Now we want to start using AAL5Generator instead of ping for our traffic generation First, redirect VCI 50 so that –(Port 1, VCI 50) goes to (Port 3 VCI 50), unidirectional –(Port 4, VCI 50) goes to (Port 0 VCI 50), unidirectional –once again, reuse your util.js to do this. –We are purposely not making a complete connection between Port 1 and Port 4 so we can generate a lot of traffic and not swamp the hosts Monitor the following: –VCI 50 on ports 1 and 4 –OPP Port Bandwidth w/o recycling on ports 3 and 0.
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 28 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 5: (continued) Then on your Linux Host: cd $WUGSTUT/ $WUARL/utilities/bin/Linux/AAL5Generator -pacer 8 -src frate dst svci 50 -seconds 10 -packet 20 –If you get an APIC_SYSCALL error it is probably due to us trying to re-use VCI 50. This is the UserMode code conflicting with the IP config What do we need to do about it? –Then when you get it running and it completes, on your NetBSD Host try: cd $WUGSTUT/ $WUARL/utilities/bin/NetBSD/AAL5Generator -pacer 8 -src frate dst svci 50 -seconds 10 -packet 20 –Experiment with the command line arguments for AAL5Generator especially, “-packet #”, “-frate #”, try “-kbits #” in place of “-frate #”
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 29 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 5: (continued) Run one of your AAL5Generators but change the “-seconds 10” to “- seconds 0” –That causes it to run forever Then, use sendCommand utility to change AAL5Generator’s output –run your AAL5Generator with –seconds 0 to have it run forever while you do this Try these examples from your NetBSD Host: –Replacing with the hostname where AAL5Generator is running $WUARL/utilities/bin/NetBSD/sendCommand –p 4444 “Packet Rate 10000” $WUARL/utilities/bin/NetBSD/sendCommand –p 4444 “Stop” $WUARL/utilities/bin/NetBSD/sendCommand –p 4444 “Start” $WUARL/utilities/bin/NetBSD/sendCommand –p 4444 “DestAddr ” –Changing destination address may cause some dropped packets we are changing the IP header on the fly and must update the IP header checksum as well. We can not update the destination address and the checksum as an atomic operation so a packet could go out with a bad checksum. If that packet were going to an actual router, the router would drop it. Look in $WUARL/utilities/APIC/AAL5Generator/commands.h –the full list of command verbs
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 30 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 5: (continued) Experiment with the AAL5Generator, sendCommand and the GUI options: –Try changing the Y-Axis to cells/sec and Mb/s and see how they each correlate to with your AAL5Generator settings for “-frate”, “-kbits”, and “- packet” –Try this while loop while 1 $WUARL/utilities/bin/NetBSD/sendCommand –p 4444 “Packet Rate 10000” sleep 3 $WUARL/utilities/bin/NetBSD/sendCommand –p 4444 “Packet Rate 10000” sleep 3 end
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 31 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 6: Boot the SPC: AAL5_Download Please refer to the diagram for the Full Configuration for your group. –Pay close attention. We are going to be using your SWITCH and your MSR.
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 32 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 6: (continued) Open a serial connection to SPC4 –in a window logged in to your NetBSD Host as root: Start a newGBNSC.init on your MSR CP: –Review how you started newGBNSC.init back in Exercise 1 –Look at the files in $WUGSTUT/cfgs/WUGS –Look at diagram for your full configuration –Figure out which config.GBNSC.port# file to use
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 33 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 6: (continued) Using Jammer and your util.js procedures set up the following connections (pay attention to the directional arrows): –(Port 0, VCI 21) (Port 4, VCI 0x321) –(Port 0, VCI 21) (Port 4, VCI 25) –(Port 0, VCI 24) (Port 4, VCI 23) The you should be able to download and boot from your MSR CP: cd $WUARL/utilities/bin/Linux ./AAL5_download.sh 1 /usr/MSR/netbsd.MSR /usr/MSR/ SPC24MB.fs –Take a look at the script, AAL5download.sh, to see what it does. You could have also run all the commands in it separately. –Note that the Kernel and File System are downloaded separately.
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 34 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 7 Boot the Full MSR: MSR_Config Boot your MSR (using Existing Debug Kernel) –Reset your MSR (Hardware Reset) Identify which WUGS switch in the cabinet is your MSR Push reset button on front of WUGS –Open serial connections to two SPCs in a window logged in to your SL NetBSD Host as root: –(see the table at beginning of handouts to see which machine it may not be the same as your “NetBSD Host”) in a window logged in to your SL Linux Host as normal user: –(see the table at beginning of handouts to see which machine it may not be the same as your “Linux Host”) for now you should see nothing in these windows…
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 35 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 7 (continued) Boot your MSR (continued) –Use MSR_Config to boot and configure the MSR login in to your MSR CP Kill any newGBNSC that might be running cd $WUARL/msr/cp/configuration ./Linux/MSR_Config –f config.MSR –Check for booting kernel via serial ports (tip and/or cu) make sure it comes to a login prompt It occasionally hangs after “init: copying out path ‘/sbin/init’ 11 WHY? We are still trying to figure this out. If it happens, kill and restart MSR_Config. Once your MSR is booted, start newGBNSC –newGBNSC, NOT newGBNSC.init what is the difference?
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 36 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 7 (continued) We want these connections in your SWITCH –You may still have them from a previous exercise… –(Port 1, VCI 50) goes to (Port 3 VCI 50), unidirectional –(Port 4, VCI 50) goes to (Port 0 VCI 50), unidirectional –once again, reuse your util.js to do this.
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 37 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 7 (continued) Test with traffic generator and monitoring gui –On your SWITCH (I.e. just before your MSR/SPC), monitor the following: Port 4, VCI 50 Port 0, OPP Bandwidth –On your MSR (I.e. just after your MSR/SPC), monitor the following: Port 4, IPP Bandwidth Port 4, VCI 47 –You’ll learn more about the MSR tomorrow and the 47 will make sense to you. –You should be able to Monitor all on one graph… –You also might want to change the names of what you are monitoring: double click on the parameter names in the right monitor –(continued on next slide)
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 38 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 7 (continued) –For your AAL5Generator command, use a destination address of (run AAL5Generator on your Linux Host) –How many 1 cell packets can it forward? increase the packet rate until the lines separate –Remember this is a DEBUG Kernel –Performance Kernel next.
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 39 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 8: SPC Kernel and FS Manipulations Build a Performance (no debug turned on) MSR Kernel –On your NetBSD Host: cd $WUARL/msr/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf config MSR_SPC_PERF cd../compile/MSR_SPC_PERF make depend make
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 40 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 8: SPC Kernel and FS Manipulations As root: Place symbol-only version of kernel in file system, you need to do this each time you build a new kernel to be downloaded: cp $WUGSTUT/FS/SPC24MB.fs /usr/tmp vnconfig –t spc24MB –v –c /dev/vnd0d /usr/tmp/SPC24MB.fs mount /dev/vnd0d /mnt $WUARL/utilities/bin/NetBSD/mknl \ $WUARL/msr/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/MSR_SPC_PERF/netbsd \ /mnt/netbsd touch /mnt/THIS_IS_MY_FILE umount /mnt vnconfig –u /dev/vnd0d As normal user: : cp /usr/tmp/SPC24MB.fs $WUGSTUT/FS/ Watch for error messages when you do all of the above. The reason for copying the FS file to and from /usr/tmp is that the file system you are working on is NFS mounted and we do not have root access to files on it. So we copy it to a local file system where we do have root access to the files. The touch command above will just help convince yourself that you changed the file system.
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 41 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 8 (continued) –On your MSR CP machine cp $WUARL/msr/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/MSR_SPC_PERF/netbsd /usr/MSR/netbsd.MSR cp $WUGSTUT/FS/SPC24MB.fs /usr/MSR We use /usr/MSR (a local disk, not NFS) so that the downloads will go faster –Download and boot using MSR_Config You may need to kill the newGBNSC if it is still running on your MSR CP machine –When it is done booting, restart the newGBNSC Check your cu window(s). Linux kills them when the other end is reset. –When the SPC boots, log in as root (no password) on each of your serial consoles Look for your file “THIS_IS_MY_FILE” –what directory should it be in? –Are you surprised that it is on both SPCs?
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 42 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Exercise 8 (continued) –Retest with traffic generator and monitoring gui On your SWITCH, monitor the following: –Port 4, VCI 50 –Port 0, OPP Bandwidth On your MSR, monitor the following: –Port 4, IPP Bandwidth –Port 4, VCI 47 »You’ll learn more about the MSR tomorrow and the 47 will make sense to you. For your AAL5Generator command, use a destination address of –How many 1 cell packets can it forward?
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 43 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Notes
June 16, 2002 Gigabit Kits Workshop 44 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS Notes