The sole responsibility for the content of these slides lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein." Promobio training week groupworks Developing business ideas Matti Virkkunen, VTT 10.04/2013
Location: Organisation and involved stakeholders: Already existing organisation structures (Supporters?): Legal form: Operation/business areas: Pictures of forest/ harvesting site/ heating plant 2 Business idea (project title?)
Proposed heat plant (nominal load [kW]? Technology?): Potential customers and annual heat demand [kWh]: Fuel demand [t/a, MWh/a, m3/a]: Location and storage area [m³]: Length of the distribution grid [m]: 3 Heating plant
Involved PFO‘s (Who are they?, Forest area in ha? Which kind of trees?) : Forest biomass potential [t/a] and catchment area [km]?: Which machinery for harvesting is needed? Are the machines available?: Is there enough workforce available? Verification of quality assurence: Form of the supply contract(s): 4 Fuel supply
Investment costs [€]: Costs of fuel supply [€/t]: Operating costs [€/a]: Feed-in tarifs? Revenues from end-user energy use? Funding possibilities (international, national, regional): 5 Financial aspects
Are there any specific regulations to be faced in target regions ( e.g. legal framework )? Which activities are planned next? Which are the possible drivers and restraints? Which support is necessary? 6 Upcoming challenges and next steps
Answering open questions. Postive aspects of the project idea? Where might the difficulties be? Suggestions for improvement? 7 Feedback from the experts