Mars vs. Earth By: Mariesa G. and Brittany G.
Temperature Mars: Mars is a cold planet with an average of -63°C. The temperature on Mars ranges from a low of - 140°C to a high of 20°C. Mars is so cold that ice freezes over its poles Earth: The earth’s temperature ranges from -127°F to 136°F ( -88°C to 58°C ). Heat is trapped inside our atmosphere, thanks to the greenhouse effect.
Air Pressure Mars: Mars has an air pressure of 6 kPa. That is the equivalent of 6 millibars. Earth: Earth has an air pressure of inches of Mercury. ( Millibars ).
Atmosphere Mars: Mars atmosphere is incredibly thin The atmosphere is made up of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon (argon- no oxygen so humans can’t live there. Clouds containing carbon dioxide ice crystals are sometimes present. Earth: Earth’s atmosphere is made up of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 0.9% Argon, 0.3% Carbon Dioxide.
Surface Conditions Mars: The surface of Mars is Rocky, Frozen, and Dry. The surface is covered in iron-rich dust. The northern hemisphere has plains On the other hand, the southern hemisphere of mars there are craters. Earth: About 71% of Earth’s surface is covered with salt water oceans. The other 29% of Earth’s surface is Continents and Islands.
Gravity Mars: Mars only has 38% of Earths gravity. For every hundred pounds you weigh on Earth you weigh 38 pounds on Mars. Earth: The standard Gravity on Earth is m/s 2. In other words the gravity is Ft./s 2.
Distance From the Sun Mars: Mars is million miles from the sun. In other words…227.9 million kilometers. Earth: Earth is 39 Million miles from the sun. That’s 149,600,000 Kilometers.
Rotation in a Day Mars: There are 1.03 Earth days in one rotation of Mars. That is, it takes 24.6 hours for Mars to rotate one day. Earth: Its takes the Earth Hours to rotate around its axis. That’s one day on earth.
Revolutions in a Year Mars: It takes 687 Earth days for Mars to orbit the sun once –Mars’s years are 687 Earth days long. Earth: It takes Earth days to orbit the sun. That’s one Earth year.
Interesting Facts! Mars: Mars is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. The Cydonia Mense region has rocks and other geologic figures that are aligned, looking like a human face. Earth: The Earth is the closest to the sun around January 2 nd. This called perihelion. Its farthest from the sun July 2 nd. This is called the aphelion. Earth is the only planet with Plate Tectonics.