ESCMID phone ESCMID/ESGAP Open Virtual Learning Community (OVLC) Draft Concept of Future Development and Costs November 2011
ESCMID page 2 Objectives Proposal for solution Feature Matrix Recommendation mensemedia Cost Estimation Outline
ESCMID page 3 Objectives
ESCMID page 4 Objectives – Content Open virtual learning community (OVLC) model for antimicrobial stewardship activity European and education focus Global links and collaboration Provide information and tools to foster antimicrobial stewardship Promote opinion exchanges and debate regarding antimicrobial use, policy and stewardship Forum for co-ordinating pragmatic clinical practice surveys of stewardship activity Providing a platform for showcasing, dissemination, highlighting good practice Weblog categorization: news, events, debates, surveys Static basic informatics and link pages Long-term: Making tool available also for other study groups
ESCMID page 5 Objectives – Technical Requirements User administration: Admin invites members; several editors with different user rights RSS feeds and subscriptions for different user level Tools to receive feedback Access rights corresponding to ESCMID website, forum and future platforms Live Chat desirable
ESCMID page 6 Proposal for solution
ESCMID page 7 Proposal for solution
ESCMID page 8 Proposal for solution - vBulletin Software: vBulletin Already used for ESCMID forum Open source software (CMS), based on PHP, simple Handling Features: Registration Discussion platform (User generated content) Groups Surveys Blog User administration Categorisation of content User profiles (personal data, instant messenger, list with contacts etc.) Tracking Multilingualism Source:
ESCMID page 9 Proposal for solution / Screenshots vBulletin Mainsite ESCMID-Forum (mensemedia implementation) Source:
ESCMID page 10 Proposal for solution - XWIKI Software: XWIKI Platform Open source Platform for developing collaborative web Applications using the wiki paradigm Features: Page editing Version control Creation of own applications and extensions Download of existing extensions Integrated statistics Rights management Users and group management Individual layout Source:
ESCMID page 11 Proposal for solution / Screenshots XWIKI Mainsite Create a new-wiki Source:
ESCMID page 12 Feature Matrix
ESCMID page 13 Feature Matrix FeaturesvBulletinX WIKI Individual layoutDeveloping own templatesComplete customization of document templates, adding menus, modify CSS files. Complete control of look & feel. User and group management Registration, rights managementrights management Page editingWYSIWYG- or standard editor to format text, create tables, create links, display images Simple wiki syntax to format text, create tables, create links, display images, etc. Alternatively: WYSIWYG editor to edit the content of documents. Categorization of content Possibility to categorize themes i.e. according to title, date, answers, period Creation of main categories TrackingIntegrated statistics Live ChatUser profiles (personal data, instant messenger, list with contacts etc.) N.A. Discussion platform (user generated content) Blog, SurveysVersion control of created and edited pages in the past Extensions and applications Individual plug-ins and add-ons: plug-ins of third-party suppliers can be used Creation of own applications and extensions; download of existing extensions SoftwarePHPJava Compatibility with existing ESCMID websites (ex. forum) ESCMID forum: rights management already existing
ESCMID page 14 Recommendation mensemedia
ESCMID page 15 Recommendation mensemedia Software: vBulletin Knowledge of software implementation – Version of vBulletin already implemented for ESCMID forum (produced by mensemedia) ESCMID users are used to handling of vBulletin forum Existing login concept can be used System is already linked to ESCMID contacts database (for seamless login process & rights management) Simplifies technical connection to other existing and new sites/modules Software offers a higher range of possibilities
ESCMID page 16 Cost Estimation
ESCMID page 17 Ongoing expenses Group permission changes & small programming tasks est. 1 h / month (only real costs billed) ~1.200 € / year ESGAP offers to cover the first 4-5 years of running costs to contribute to maintenance Total: € Budgeting (vBulletin solution) One time expenses Implementation Software 2 working days (IT) € Graphic design and adaption 3 working days (IT) € Function to Single SignOn 3 working days (IT) € Project co-ordination and testing 2 working days (IT) € Adaptations during implementation (opt.) 800 € Total: € Costs are covered by ESGAP through an unrestricted grant by Pfizer (EUR 20’000) The remaining EUR 7’000 is planned by ESGAP to be used for developing educational material
ESCMID page 18 Cost Estimation XWIKI Implementation Software 5 working days € Graphic design and adaption 3 working days € Function to Single SignOn 3 working days € Project co-ordination and testing 4 working days € Total: € Ongoing expenses Would have to be determined (est. similar to vBulletin solution)
ESCMID page 19 Thank you for your attention!