Billy The Dogs The Competition Hunting Odds & Ends
He used his coat to do this at the beginning of the story.
What is break up the dogfight?
He caught these to sell to fisherman.
What are crawfish or minnows?
He broke up the fight between Billy and the kids at the playground.
Who is the Marshal?
Billy got these by looking at the sycamore tree trunk.
What are Old Dan and Little Ann’s names?
Billy was able to do this by building a scarecrow.
What is keep the coon in the sycamore tree?
Billy used this to carry his dogs home from the depot.
What is a gunny sack?
Old Dan wouldn’t do this with Billy at night without Little Ann.
What is go hunting?
This dog was best at catching chickens alive?
Who was Little Ann?
Little Ann almost died in chapter 11 when this happened.
What is when she fell in the icy river?
The dogs did this for each other after killing each coon.
What is lick each other’s wounds?
Billy first found out about the competition this way.
What is his grandfather told him?
Billy’s dogs got this many coon skins on the first night of the competition.
What is three?
On the way to the competition, Billy heard this- a sign of bad luck.
What are screech owls?
Everyone was lucky that Charley Lathman was in the camp because he was one of these.
What is a doctor?
Billy won these three things at the competition.
What are a gold cup, a silver cup, and money?
Billy used this to train his dogs to hunt when they were just puppies.
What is a coon skin?
This was the problem about the tree where Billy got his first coon.
What is it was too big?
Billy did this with the money he earned from coon skins.
What is he gave it to his parents?
This was the $2 bet Billy made with the Pritchard boys.
What is that Billy’s dogs couldn’t catch the ghost coon?
This was why Billy said it was a bad idea to walk up on a coon during daylight.
What is because the coon would jump out of the tree and run?
Billy was afflicted with this disease when he was ten.
What is puppy love?
Billy kept catching him when he was practicing with traps.
Who is Samie?
Billy’s grandpa showed him how to catch a coon using a shiny one of these.
What is a coin?
The boys on the playground called Billy this.
What is a hillbilly?
Billy did these things for the hound that he saved at the start of the story (you can name 3).
What is gave him a bath, rubbed his muscles, fed him, and let him go?
FINAL JEOPARDY This caused Billy to faint while he was at the competition.
FINAL JEOPARDY When Mr. Benson said, “I found them. They’re frozen solid. They’re nothing but white ice from the tips of their noses to the ends of their tails.”