Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2 God’s first command to man 2:15 Man was to be busy…he was to work An abiding principle was thus established 1 Thess 4: Thess 3:6-14 Man also given a “test” in Eden 2:16-17 Would man with free will obey God? Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2 Man also given a “test” in Eden 2:16-17 Obedience would grant him continued freedom throughout the garden…the ability to “eat freely” of any tree Disobedience would bring certain death Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2 God’s creation of the home 2:18-25 Man had a problem Ù loneliness This was “not good” v. 18 Not an indictment against God cp. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25 Simply an admission man was not yet whole Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2 God’s creation of the home 2:18-25 Solving man’s loneliness vv All animals brought before man to be named No doubt, Adam noticed each had a mate The “suitable helper” man needed was not to be found among the animals Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2 God’s creation of the home 2:18-25 Solving man’s loneliness vv All animals brought before man to be named No doubt, Adam noticed each had a mate Thus, God allowed man to fully experience his problem of loneliness Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2 God’s creation of the home 2:18-25 Solving man’s loneliness vv After putting man to sleep, God made a woman from one of his ribs vv She was the only created thing that could complement him cp. 1:27 1 Cor 11:9 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2 God’s creation of the home 2:18-25 Adam appreciated her “suitability” v. 23 A recognition of her value & worth cp. Prov 18:22 1 Pet 3:7 Something husbands need to remember in their duties re: love Eph 5:25, Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2 God’s creation of the home 2:18-25 Moses’ “endorsement” vv Principles of marriage thus established These words “…from the beginning” echoed by others in the Scripture Jesus Mt 19:5-6 Mk 10:7-8 Paul 1 Cor 6:16 Eph 5:31 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Sin Gen 3 Things stopped being “good” Man disobeys God and does that for which there was “no excuse” Rom 1:20 His actions affect the rest of humanity Rom 5:12, 15, God supplies the “remedy” Ù Christ Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Sin Gen 3 This “story” must be studied…Satan has not changed his tactics He operates today in the same way as in the day he enticed Eve, wanting the same results for us Jas 1:13-16 God has other desires Jas 1:17-18 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Sin Gen 3 The Enemy Described Ù Satan v. 1a He used the “crafty” serpent for his purpose He is not an “earthly beast”…he is an evil spiritual being Eph 6:12 2 Cor 11:14 He is the “serpent (dragon) of old” Rev 12:9 He uses “wiles” 2 Cor 2:11 Eph 6:11 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Sin Gen 3 The Exchange Ù Satan’s “Trap” vv. 1b-5 He questioned the woman’s understanding of what God had said v. 1b 1 Tim 2:14 The woman understood vv. 2-3 cp. 2:16-17 God didn’t want the man & woman anywhere near the forbidden tree Eph 5:17 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Sin Gen 3 The Exchange Ù Satan’s “Trap” vv. 1b-5 The woman understood vv. 2-3 cp. 2:16-17 She showed she not only had heard what God said …she also knew what He meant The man had done a good job of communicating God’s will to his wife Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
The Story Of Sin Gen 3 The Exchange Ù Satan’s “Trap” vv. 1b-5 The devil responds by lying vv. 4-5 Jn 8:44 He directly attacked the word of God He expressly denied what God affirmed…he tells the woman she would not die He insinuates God is withholding something valuable from her cp. 1 Pet 2:11 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion