Christine Dingli EDN113
Introduction I would like to introduce you to the world of Skype. An online communication application that is friendly to use and it’s free!
Why use Skype? I invite my family and friends to download Skype. It is a great way to keep in touch with just a press of a button. Come on board and share this exciting way to see and talk to each other. I can’t wait to have a chat. Bla bla bla bla Where’s that delete button.
How to Access and Install Skype. Go to The web-site gives the links to ‘Get Skype” to your computer. Follow the links to ‘Install Skype” Click on where you want Skype to be installed to.
Install Skype Once you have been directed to the ‘Install Skype ‘ page, it takes you through three steps depending whether you are a first time user or if you have used Skype before. Choose which steps you need. You will have to create a user name and password The user name will become your Skype name
Online Skype Page
Now you are ready! Congratulations! You are now ready to sign in and use Skype. Play around with the icons and links to see what you can do. I am at christinedingli23
Having fun I made ME! from a link to Skype called weeworld. Check it out!
References Skype (2011). Screen shots used in accordance with Skype online material terms. Retrieved 9 th March 2011 from: gb/legal/promotional-materials-terms. gb/legal/promotional-materials-terms Skype (2011). Graphic retrieved on 7 th march