1 ATLAS Readiness for Run 2 C. Gemme (INFN Genova) ATLAS Collaboration CSN1 – venerdi’ 17 Aprile 2015
2 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 The chance to face a new energy frontier comes “once in a generation”.
3 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 The chance to face a new energy frontier comes “once in a generation”. But we are about to do it again for the second time in six years!! ATLAS 2009
A unique discovery potential at 13 TeV! n 4 Hugely increased potential for discovery of heavy particles at 13 TeV!
Run 2 Challenges Phase-0 detector upgrades! Many new CP algorithms offline and online, vast trigger menu that has never seen data. Software & computing changes! New analysis model Run 1 analysis finalisation and upgrade work. 5 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
Milestones Runs M7 (Nov/Dec 2014) First time with shifters back in the control room Almost all sub-detectors in, some without HV Solenoid and Toroid B-field on for part M8 (Feb 2015) Testing of new DAQ and Trigger software All sub-detectors integratedand running together at 100 kHz; Re-establish smooth running; continuous shift operation Full “dry-run” tests of LHC handshake, warm start, etc M9 (Mar 2015) Calibration and alignment cosmic data taking Runs through to beam splashes 6 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
Preparation for Run 2 detector operation It's a long time since Run 1 We start with 7 manned desks in ACR, but several more under the scene for not standard operation (dominating in the first period) Many new Shifters and Experts Regular shift training 7 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
Pixel and IBL 8 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
Pixel Pixel successfully reinstalled after refurbishment on surface. Reduced from 5% to 2% faulty modules Installed extra fibers to better face with increased peak luminosity Replaced optoboards and located in a more accessible place. 9 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
IBL IBL and Pixel are now being operated together: FEI3 (Pixel) and FEI4 (IBL), different off-detector hardware. IBL has started collecting cosmics data in M7 (IDcosmics trigger: ~ 1 Hz in Layer2, ~0.x Hz in IBL) First measurements in M7: 74 k good tracks in pixel, ~3k good clusters in IBL): 10 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 Same tuning: Planar 200 m 3D 230 m
IBL rotations (2 slides…) 11 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
SCT and TRT (spare) Expansion of DAQ to cope with higher pileup Increased number of ROD/BOC from 90 to 128 Pile-up limit well above Run 2 expectation 12 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 High voltage ON in the entire detector Successfully tested operation at 100 kHz with up to 50% occupancy FastOR trigger in stable use during cosmic ray runs New active gas system Leaks can lead to contamination into active gas volume Baseline for 2015: operating part of the detector with Argon mixture instead of Xenon Impact on e/ -identification small after algorithm updates
Liquid Argon Calorimeter All planned hardware maintenance work finished In January HV modules replaced on EMEC outer wheel and FCal Nominal HV for M8 Some improvements in LAr online software and DQ assessment Since M7 data taking with 4-sample mode up to 100 kHz Online flagging of noise bursts successfully tested during M8 with HV-ramp-induced noise bursts Automatic flagging of hot cells in trigger towers LAr Cryostat grounding Reminder: grounding inadvertently changed during LS1 No impact on LAr noise and noise bursts seen so far LAr “Demonstrator” crate backplane and modules installed for run-2 CHECK 13 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
Hadronic Tile Calorimeter 14 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 New Laser-II system under commissioning Improve long term stability control of the system First Cs scans performed and HV settings updated Preserve absolute EM scale as in Run 1 Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillators replaced Finalising commissioning Tile-Muon-Trigger Coincidence between Tile and TGC Trigger rate reduction in 1<| |<1.3 Expected reduction with E(Tile)>500MeV: ~82% First Tile-Muon Digitizer Boards available To be tested soon ADD schema of calibration
Monitored Drift Tube Chambers Various small repairs performed Exchange of some broken on chamber electronics HV/LV problems Gas leak repairs MROD Double Read-out Remove potential bandwidth bottleneck in endcap inner region Converted (by firmware update) 1 of 6 inputs into an additional output 15 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 New chambers installed and integrated Covering holes (0.9%) due to elevator shafts in in bottom sectors First sMDT (small tube MDT) chambers Tube diameter half of standard MDT tube to be used in New Small Wheels in Phase-I upgrades
Resistive Plate Chambers Gas system upgrade Repair of cracked inlets (2 teams nearly full-time in 2014) New flowmeters and impedances (during 2015) RPC chambers in bottom sectors Cover holes in BM layer due to feet (2.8%) Cover holes due to elevator shafts (0.9%) New type 1mm-gap RPC 16 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
CSC and TGC (Spare) New ROD complex fully integrated Old system had rate limitations not adequate for run-2 Running up to 100 kHz achieved Ongoing development to improve stability at higher occupancy Readout system housed in ATCA shelf First ATCA based system in ATLAS DAQ 17 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 Nominal gas back since few weeks ago Successfully replaced 27 chambers Participated in M8 with HV on Inner coincidence Inner chambers added to coincidence with big wheel Timing adjustments ongoing
Luminosity ?? Almeno LUCID… /04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
Trigger: Level 1 (Hardware) NEW: Central Trigger Processor installed and commissioned with all detector systems Doubles number of trigger items and allows for new inputs from Topo processor and forward detectors NEW: L1 Topo combines calorimeters and muon objects. IMPROVED: L1 Calo firmware and hardware upgraded Relative isolation, correct for bunch train effects, provide more trigger items IMPROVED: L1 muon New coincidence logic for the EndCaps and mask ‘Hot” RoI Extended RPC acceptances in “feet” and “elevator” hole 4% Max L1 rate 100 kHz Was 75 kHz in Run /04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 DA PARLARE Sullo SCHEMA
Trigger: High Level Trigger (software) 20 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 A couple of crucial infrastructural changes: Unified HLT processing (instead of separated L2 and EF steps): enables more flexible combination of fast and detailed processing Adoption of xAOD data structures, mostly in common with offline: allows easier reuse of offline code Run-2 average HLT rate ~1kHz Was Hz in Run 1
Computing Major upgrade of distributed computing infrastructure software during LS1 Distributed Data Management DQ2 → Rucio: scalability for run-2 and beyond (in operation) Distributed Workload Management ProdSys → ProdSys2 (in operation) New Data Management All data assigned lifetime, delete when expired (automatic during 2015) 21 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
Software 22 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 Software New Analysis Workflow and Framework implying major rewriting of validation and analysis software The data xAOD is around 240kB/evt (μ=25). Derivation samples defined. Reconstruction: factor of ~4x faster at high
Run 2 Schedule LHC is back! Data preparation First analysis 23 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
LHC schedule Main phases: Low intensity commissioning Physics with low in May 10M min bias & vdM scan! 50 ns operation, 19 days in June/July L peak < 5x10 33, L int < 1 ifb, μ peak < ns, β*=80 cm, 30 days in July/Aug, L int < 2 ifb 25 ns, β*~40 cm, 48 days in Sep-Nov Total 2015: L peak ~ 1.2x10 34 (β* = 80 → 40 cm ?) L int ~ 12 ifb, μ peak ~ 35 Ion run, 24 days in Nov-Dec 24 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
LHC Powering tests are concluded! Beams threaded through the ring on Easter Sunday Machine tuning on-going Still based on pilot bunches Nominal bunches possibly this week Beam splashes delivered O(few) Easter Sunday at beam threading O(30+30) on 7.4 Tuesday night TeV reached Saturday 11/4 at 12:30 Quench investigation on-going: may be related to UFO activity No overall LHC schedule update yet Commissioning progressing rather quickly LHC commissioning 14/04/15 A. Cerri - ATLAS Weekly25
14/04/15 A. Cerri - ATLAS Weekly26 Beam splashes in ATLAS detector centre Earl y Good Timing (C A) EC Toroid L. Fiorini - Tile LAr Team S. Valentinetti - LUCID SCT, A. Chisholm & N. Barlow N. Venturi - BCM #hits vs BCID “collimator scraping” splash
ATLAS Schedule 27 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
ATLAS Schedule 28 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
ATLAS Schedule 29 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
1/2 slide su VEE, VE, E analysis 30 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
31 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
Thermo-siphon 32 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1 Beginning of February
Run 1 analysis Finalization of Run 1 results competes with preparation of 13 TeV analysis /04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1
LHC parameters 34 17/04/2015ATLAS Readiness for Run2 – CSN1