Science, Technology, Engineering and Math 32 Title II B STEM Grant 1
Grant Overview 2 NYSED Grant funded through NCLB – Title IIB Funds Three year grant (7/1/10 – 6/30/13) Participation preference given to teachers from District 32 Grant Tracks (Graduate Credit track and Professional Development tracks) Grant goals: Increased teacher core content knowledge will have a positive correlation on student achievement
Grant Participation 3 PD offerings are divided into Tracks for enrollment Teachers can enroll in ONE Track only Teachers will attend the same Track for three years Teachers can register for Department “Title IIB Grants” Any Course labeled “STEM32” After registering online teachers need to submit an application with an administrator’s signature before they are approved to participate
Grant Evaluator NYSED requires an independent evaluator to monitor the implementation of the STEM32 Grant As part of participating in STEM32, teachers will agree to cooperate with independent evaluator by completing pre/post test, surveys and classroom visits 4
Track 1- Graduate Scholarship with NYIT 5 Teachers will receive 18 graduate credits from New York Institute of Technology Teachers will receive an Advanced Certificate in STEM from New York State This is a complete online program with minimal face to face meeting
Track 2 - Lego Robotics with NYIT 6 Participants will learn practical ways to connect STEM robotics to classroom instruction (environmental science) Key concepts from the NYC Science and Mathematics Scope and Sequence and NYC and NYS Standards will be addressed. Teachers will receive Lego Robotics supplies totaling approximately $400 each year Schools will receive fours days of Per Diem reimbursement (5 day program)
Track 3 – STEM labs with the New York Hall of Science 7 Teachers will be trained on the implementation of NY Hall of Science portable science labs into their classroom The grant covers the cost of training and one week of kit rental for classroom implementation Teachers will be trained TRAINING RATE for attending the program Year 1—Microlab Institute Year 2—Biotech Institute Year 3—CSIT Institute
Track 4 – SMARTBoard Training 8 Teachers will attend a 5 day workshop series each year which focuses on maximizing their technology integration skills with a focus on SMARTBoard use in the STEM classroom Schools will receive 3 days of per diem substitute teacher reimbursements
Track 5 – STEM Training with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) 9 Teachers will attend five days of professional development each year with WCS. Teachers will visit local science institutions and learn core content knowledge from WCS field Scientists Year 1: New York Aquarium Year 2: Queens Zoo Year 3: Bronx Zoo Learn how WCS scientists use their studies to care for animals in the zoo and save them in the wild Teachers will be paid Training Rate for attending these workshops.
Track 6 – Science training w/ Queens Botanical Garden 10 Teachers will be attend five days of PD at Queens Botanical Garden Teachers will be immersed in the natural world as you bring the outdoors indoors and the indoors outdoors. Teachers will receive 30 hours of TRAINING RATE for attending this course Year one takes place during Saturdays in Spring 2011
Questions/Comments/Concerns Send any questions to James Leahy – Or visit 11