DE Agenda for May 9, 2011 Finish watching movie Work on scene from The Glass Menagerie and Chinese Lantern; also remember your notebook is due on May 17 th Finish conferencing over rough drafts with students whose paper I did not go over on Friday
DE Agenda for May 11, 2011 Finish conferencing on research papers with students who were gone on Monday Perform scene from The Glass Menagerie Do Socratic Seminar on The Glass Menagerie Remember your notebook is due May 17 th ; your research paper final draft is due May 17 th at 11:59 pm; your PowerPoint Presentation is due May 19
DE Agenda for May 13, 2011 Return papers and remember notebook is due next week Work on research paper or powerpoint in Room 145
SAT/ACT Agenda for May 9, 2011 Do Practice #8 in The Real ACT Book ◦P ◦P ◦Work on Packet #8 if you finish early
SAT/ACT Agenda for May 11, 2011 Work on Packet #8
SAT/ACT Agenda for May 13, 2011 Computer Lab Assignment #8
AP Agenda for May 10, 2011 Return papers; remember your notebook is due May 16; you will do your song presentations on May 12th Go over rules for Amazing Race and participate in the 5 th Annual Amazing Race Remember to get a good night’s sleep and eat a good breakfast. Meet in the Smith Center at 8:15 for your AP EXAM! I will be bringing donuts! You should also absolutely remember to BRAINSTORM AND UNDERLINE ON THE ESSAY QUESTIONS—as I will be getting this back and it will be worth a test grade of 100 points.
AP Agenda for May 12, 2011 Go over rules for Poetry Alive—due May 18 th Go over Writing Portfolio—due day of exam Give Song Presentations