1 08 -Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester AG2 Cycle-1 Planning meeting AG1 feedback AG2 and VOTECH status Cycle-1 plans
2 08 -Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester Ag1 feedback strong points MySpace Workflow Applications integration weak no stable system UI hard to work with too complicated no "working system with real data"
3 08 -Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester implications long term : better infr., new features medium term : re-centre on applications short term : rollout product AND deployment
4 08 -Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester AG2 methodology (1) planning Cycle.NE. development cycle planning Cycle : plan-doc is bible six months top-level goals does not evolve visible to outside Development Cycle flexible as necessary normally visible only inside
5 08 -Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester AG2 methodology (2) Oversight : PPARC AG oversight committee Policy, Strategy, Resources : AGLI track progress monthly versus Cycle-Plan Strategy Development : Man Team ProgMan, ProjMan, ProjSci, ProjLead helped by informal Senior Engineers Group no TSP Advice : SAG, TAG
6 08 -Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester VOTECH status contract negotiations still underway 3 years money but 4 years window first new post at Portsmouth : Garry Smith final UK resource planning tomorrow first TAP and DS meetings planned
7 08 -Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester Euro-VO March 17 proposal to fund DCA ESO and ESA commting resource for VOFC Science Advisory Structure planned MOU underway
8 08 -Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester VOTECH - AG2 relationship align goals, work-structure, and planning cycle VOTECH has Assessment and Design focus AG2 has engineering focus for UK AND Euro deployment but some PPARC-AG2 effort added to VOTECH names named soon
9 08 -Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester AG overall goals develop open standards develop a software infrastructure develop a registry demonstrate physical grid of resources implement working VO system based around key UK databases. provide UI to that system provide or adapt science user tools
Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester AG2 specific goals expand, revise, improve core infrastructure provide a suite of science user tools research and deploy new automated resource discovery techniques techniques in Grid technology techniques in visualisation and datamining create AstroGrid Data Exploration Framework (ADEF) (support for UK Data Centre Alliance) (develop outreach sw for schools and public)
Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester Cycle-1 goals : ROLLOUT Contbns to AVO demo SW product release Physical Deployment Improved interface Simple new tools Document Publicise
Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester Cycle-1 goals : key milestones Jan 25 AVO demo Feb 1-2 and 8-10 : Cycle-1 Planning Feb 25 : AGOC Mar 1 : AGLI quarterly Apr : NAM Apr : Training workshop sw release ? deployed system release ?
Feb-2005Andy Lawrence : Planning Meeting, Leicester Greater AstroGrid deployment can't be done by AG alone work with data centres but must be co-ordinated by AG AG was child of DCs now re-unite and form "Greater AstroGrid"