Mary Yeary
Principal/Vice Principal Intervention Specialist (who does not work with the child) At least 1 team teacher who does work with the child and is willing to be responsible for interventions and collecting data Counselor Parent Student (at 8 th grade level) Meets at least once a month: substitute provided if needed
Open House Meet parents and students (Get to know students and their background)
◦ Conference with parents of any student who is struggling in class and has below a C or is a behavior issue. (Conferences are with all teachers the student has.) ◦ Through conferences we open the communication window. ◦ Student A’s mother says that student A is really trying at home. She loves school and would love to help with any ideas we have.
◦ Intervention Tier 1 (Data Collection Starts on All “At risk students”) At risk students are moved to the front of the room. Teachers teach using best practices (visual, auditory, hands-on) All students in the classroom start Study Island: Lessons included outside of class on the computer Engage students in math lesson Student A has a 47% in math class. Student attempts all work
◦ Interventions Tier 2 Working with peers in groups Working with peer tutor Student A still has below a 50% in math class.
◦ Interventions Tier 3 Round 1 Tier 3 Study Guide Provided Working one-on-one with teacher 10 minutes a day to work on problems
Round 2 Tier 3 Student provided hints (formulas given, not memorized) Able to turn in early and checked by teacher to fix and re-turn in Able to correct quizzes (student A always tried but never was successful)
◦ Team meets again and decides with all the intervention still not working it is recommended that student A be tested for an specific learning disability in math
◦ Student A has been diagnosed with a specific learning disability in math. ◦ Receives interventions, accommodations, and modifications ◦ Currently, has an 87% in math!!
At any time if Student A would have been successful with the interventions the team would have decided to keep implementing the interventions but not recommended for the student to continue the RTI process. Principal highly recommends that each team have at least one student in the RTI process. (our school has 6 students at all times in the RTI process.) As a school we are the strongest in behavior interventions. (many students enter the RTI process to get on a behavior plan) Since each team must have a student in the process at all times, it forces us to not just look at behavior students but always be looking for students who are falling behind and need interventions.
Group 1: Tier 1 Intervention Group 2: Tier 2 Intervention Group 3: Tier 3 Intervention I will give you information about the student as the tiers progress. Please be thinking about your interventions that you would like to implement
Boy 13 years old (8 th Grade) Liked by peers (very social) Grades in the low C high D range in math, science and reading, in social studies has a 90%
Continues to have grade problems, tier 1 did not work Talks to peers in class Is late getting to 3 out of 5 classes Teachers report “they don’t like him” Advance to Tier 2
Tier 2 did not work, Grades continue to fall Begins to copy his friends homework Class clown, when called upon will make a joke to the class. (often sent to the office) Suspended at a basketball game for mooning the opposing team Advance to Tier 3
Background from A.I.’s mother She states that her son does 3 hours of homework every night and that he has ADHD. She also continues to say that he is a handful but he just does not understand what to do. Dad was dyslexic before he died in the Iraqi War.
Has a learning disability He struggles with: word problems following multi-step directions. remembering the steps and opening a lock auditory learning (needs to have information presented visually) self-esteem
Thank you for your time Any Questions?