hsprograms.pbworks.com Agenda at hsprograms.pbworks.com, click Principal tab
Abby Stotsenberg, Senior Administrator High School Social Studies Abby Stotsenberg, Senior Administrator High School Social Studies Bookmark it! High School Programs Admin Wikihsprograms.pbworks.com Find meeting dates, places, agendas, digital copies of materials and powerpoints, announcements and updates…. a central location for all materials Welcome image from Drew Cook Senior Director High School Programs Drew Cook Senior Director High School Programs Jonathan Enns, FVHS Karen Summers, GHHS Jim Argent, KHS Candis Jones, SRMHS Camille Hedrick, PCHS (soon) (soon) David Rockefeller, Interim GMHS Interim GMHS Jonathan Enns, FVHS Karen Summers, GHHS Jim Argent, KHS Candis Jones, SRMHS Camille Hedrick, PCHS (soon) (soon) David Rockefeller, Interim GMHS Interim GMHS
Peer Coaching Training Argument Writing Disciplinary Literacy g
Case 21 no longer being used for High School benchmarks Exploring options – Study Island, SchoolNet Benchmarks for Math I and Biology will be created centrally in Study Island – must be taken online Benchmarks for English II will be Performance Tasks – teachers will receive training Participation strongly encouraged for fall semester
For Admins: Uploading Users into Study Island For Teachers: Creating a Class or Group Creating Assignments-Assessments For All: Using Study Island Data in Data Teams The Learning Continuum NC Teacher Evaluation Standards aligns with Study Island
Performance Tasks Authentic, deep, transferrable Aligned to CCSS and NC EOC Spiraled learning throughout semester Integrated Reading, Writing, Language
Phase One- Fall Semester Department Chairs Align standards Plan implementation PLT Leaders Plan for details Train PLT Conduct Rater Reliability Norming Both Teacher Leaders Gather data at school level Interpret data Assess effectiveness and efficiency at school level Phase Two- Spring Semester Department Chairs Adjust implementation plan PLT Leaders Adjust details Revise teaching and learning interrelationships Conduct Rater Reliability Norming Both Teacher Leaders Report data to district level Interpret data Respond to district plans for next steps
Purpose and description o Allows students to prove mastery of course content and receive credit without the seat hours. o Students will then be able to move on to more rigorous courses. Does not factor into GPA AP/Honors classes are ineligible for CDM Phase 1—written test—students must earn 94% to move forward Phase 2—performance task/authentic assessment evaluated by a school-based team
Link for Parents (should be posted on school’s website): demonstrated-mastery/ demonstrated-mastery/ Link for School-Based Administrators: dit%20By%20Demonstrated%20Mastery dit%20By%20Demonstrated%20Mastery
CDM Committee Purpose: Leads overall process, communicates with school community regarding CDM, schedules times for Phase One and Phase Two assesments, informs outcomes of multi-phase process to students/families 3-5 Members Should reflect diversity of school population Should represent various interests of the school Committee members: administrator, counselor, teachers, AIG or curriculum specialist (if available) Review Panel Purpose: Works with CDM Committee to facilitate Phase One and Phase Two, reviews student submissions for Phase Two, provides documentation to CDM Committee regarding outcome of Phase Two 3-5 Members Suggested members: two content-area experts related to subject presented for CDM, department chair, AIG or curriculum specialist (if available)
Information regarding CDM shared with students/families and teachers in August/September The school’s CDM committee guides the communication process. Announcement from district office about timelines District website maintained with timely information PA announcement at the building site Opportunity presented in school registration materials Other school-based means of parent/student communication Information shared with faculty Regional information meetings held to provide details regarding process.
Student/Family completes and submits application which will remain with student’s records at the school. Due by October 1 School CDM Committee reviews applications o API or Dean use Google Form to report the course names that students have requested for CDM—Due by October 2 Counselors meet with applicants to advise and answer questions.
Student completes Phase One assessment—Testing window from February o Testing at school/during school day Tests are scored and scores are reported to the school by mid-March Review Panel meets to review scores and notifies students/families if score meets minimum criteria to move on to Phase Two
Mid-March: Review Panel schedules Phase Two Assessments o Completed at school/during school day The district will develop Phase Two assessments Mid-April: Student completes/submits Phase Two assessments for review o Review Panel reviews/scores Phase Two submissions and determines if student has earned credit based on results of Phase One and Phase Two o Review Panel sends documentation to CDM Committee o CDM Committee provides results to student/family and informs them of appeals process Conduct schedule changes as necessary
Ten-calendar-day window for submission of appeals Notice of appeal must be in writing and must be based on a belief that the school misapplied DPI guidelines or policies. First week of May—CDM Committee conducts appeal reviews Second week of May—CDM Committee finalizes appeal decisions and shares results