Title I District Parent Involvement Meeting Ware County Schools July 23, :00 p.m. Waycross City Auditorium Mary Ann King, District Parent Involvement Coordinator
What is Title I? Title I began in 1965 as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). It is a federal program that ensures equal opportunities for low income school districts. Each district uses it’s Title I funds to supplement and improve educational programs offered to students to improve their academic achievement and meet state standards.
What is a Title I School? Title I schools receive funds based upon their calculated poverty index All Ware County schools receive Title I monies. All schools in our district are Title I School-wide (all parents—all students)
How Title I funds were used in EOC & EOG Review and Prep Resources Tutoring Transportation for Tutoring & Credit Recovery Computer Labs Study Island Computer Program Web-based Software Accelerated Math and Reading Student Agendas Interventionists & Instructional Coaches
PARENT INVOLVEMENT FAMILY ENGAGEMENT Parent Involvement Parents coming to the school Fall Festival PTO/PTA Honors Programs Student Performances Family Engagement Providing training/programs in the form of learning and skills to apply in the home with their child to achieve academic success Lunch & Learn Study Skills & Test Prep Homework 911
Family Engagement Parent Involvement As a Title I District, we must involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of required Title I components, including:
Required Title I Components Comprehensive Local Implementation Plan (CLIP) District Parent Involvement Plan Title I School-Wide Plan (SWP) School Improvement Plan (SIP) School-Parent Compact Parent Involvement Plan Family Engagement Programs
Comprehensive Local Implementation Plan (CLIP) A major component of the Consolidated Application—district’s application for funding for federal programs All encompassing district plan based on multiple pieces of data How are we going to meet identified goals of the district? Reviewed annually for effectiveness of actions, programs, and strategies implemented
Some Data Sources CCRPI (College & Career Ready Performance Index) GA Student Growth Model Attendance Data Enrollment Data School Level Benchmark Math Matters (1 st -8 th ) Title II, Part A Surveys Parent Survey Community/Business District Parent Survey
Federal Programs Title I—Parents, students, teachers, Migrant, technology, professional learning Title II—Teacher and Administrative Effectiveness, Professional learning Title III—ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Title VI—Students, technology, IDEA—Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
District Parent/Family Involvement Plan Defines the districts’ specific strategies to ensure ALL families are given the opportunity to have a positive impact on student achievement in their schools.
The District Parent/Family Involvement Plan must be: Revised & updated each year Developed jointly with parents of Ware County students Distributed to all parents of Ware County students
School Parent Involvement Plan Jointly developed, distributed to, and agreed on by all parents of Ware County Students Provide information in a timely manner Provide description & explanation: Curriculum Academic assessments Family Programs
School Parent Involvement Plan Made available to all parents/families and updated annually to meet the changing needs of parents and the school. The school parent involvement plan must establish the school’s expectation for parent involvement/family engagement and include a description of how the school will implement or accomplish each component in order to meet the statutory requirements of this section.
School-Parent Compact Each school develops jointly with families a school-parent compact. It outlines how families, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. It also explains how the school and families will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve Georgia’s high academic standards.
Title I School-Wide Plan & School Improvement Plan All schools have a Title I School-wide Plan, which was developed with input from all stakeholders. It is revised annually. It explains the needs and goals and how the school will meet those goals. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) outlines the actions the school will take to address the needs. Parents can participate in the review & revision of both documents.
District Parent Survey The results of the survey will be used to: Evaluate the content and effectiveness of the academic quality of the schools Identify barriers to greater family engagement Design strategies to build parent capacity at the school and district level Evaluate the district parent involvement/family engagement plan
Breakout Sessions Please meet with the Principal and/or Parent Involvement Coordinator of your child’s school in order to provide input on the following: School-Parent Compact Parent Involvement Plan School-Wide Title I Plan School Improvement Plan 1% Set Aside for Parental Involvement Comprehensive Local Implementation Plan District Parent Involvement Plan
Closing Please complete the program survey before leaving. Thank You for attending and providing feedback/suggestions on the various Title I documents/plans. Please let us know how we can help you help your child achieve academic success.
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