TEMPLATE DESIGN © Uterine sarcomas in RIPAS Hospital, Brunei; a 10 year retrospective study. Dr Alice Kurien, Dr Saw Ohnmar, Dr Hjh Roselina Yaakub. Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, RIPAS Hospital, Brunei Darussalam Objectives To evaluate : Demographic profile Risk factors Diagnostic issues Clinical outcome Methods Results Total cases of uterine corpus cancer -156 Uterine Sarcoma - 37(23.7% ). Conclusions References Higher proportion of uterine sarcoma among women with corpus cancer in Brunei. Mean Age was 47.8 years One or more risk factors in 78 % patients. Multiple risk factors noted in 30% 63% are disease free after 5 years follow up. 70% are alive & well. Disease stage was the most important prognostic factor. Further research is required to identify the cause of higher incidence in the study population. LOGO OPTIONAL HERE Yearly distribution Year No Parity distribution ParityNumber% & > Menopausal statusNumber% Pre menopausal Post menopausal Pre op DiagnosisIntra op DiagnosisPost op diagnosis %5.41%81.08 % HistologyNumber% Leiomyosarcoma (LMS)- Low grade Carcinosarcoma(MMMT) LMS -High grade Endometrial stromal sarcoma Endometrial Sarcoma (High grade) Adenosarcoma All patients with uterine sarcoma registered in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in RIPAS hospital from 2001 to 2010 were studied. Cases were identified through the gynaecology oncology registry of the department. This was a retrospective case file analysis. The data was recorded in a pre- designed proforma and a detailed analysis was done. Prior approval from Brunei Darussalam Medical & Health Research Ethics Committee was obtained. SymptomNumber% Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB),Mass Abdomen Mass abdomen AUB AUB +Mass +pressure symptoms25.41 AUB+ pain25.41 AUB+ Mass +pain12.7 Pain + Mass,+pressure symptoms12.7 Vaginal discharge + mass p/v12.7 StageNumberAliveDied I26 Nil II22Nil III422 (50%) IV514 (75%) Age distribution FIGO stage 1. Vanessa N Harry et al. Review uterine sarcomas: The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist.2007; 9: Jonathan S Berek, Neville F Hacker: Practical Gynecologic Oncology 4 th edition.2005; Michael Quinn et al: Malignant disease of the uterus. Shaw’s text book of gynecology th edition McCluggage WG Uterine carcinosarcomas (malignant mixed mullerian tumors) are metaplastic carcinomas. I nt J Gynecol Cancer.2002 Nov-Dec;12(6): Kernochan LE,Garcia RL. Carcinosarcomas (malignant mixed mullerian tumor) of the uterus: advances in elucidation of biologic and clinical characteristics. 6. Zelmanowicz et al.Evidence for a common etiology for endometrial carcinoma and MMMT. Gynaecol Oncol 1998;69: Norris HJ, Taylor HB. Post irradiation sarcomas of the uterus. Obstet Gynaecol1965; 26: Philip J. DiSaia, William T.Creasman. Clinical Gynecologic oncology Survival status RISK FACTORS