1900 The First Cadbury’s Poster Cadbury produced some of the finest examples of posters and press advertisements during this period. A popular local artist, Cecil Aldin, was commissioned to illustrate for Cadbury. His evocative images featured in early magazine campaigns and graced poster sites all over the country. By Rio Carroll
In 1905 William Cadbury commissioned the first Cadbury logo. He was in Paris at the time and chose Georges Auriol to create the design - Auriol also designed the signs for the Paris Metro First Cadbury logo By Rio Carroll
1919 The First Turkish Delight Purple Theme J.S. Fry & Sons merged with Cadbury in 1919 but the name of the bar remains. Fry’s Turkish Delight - rose-flavored Turkish delight draped in milk chocolate - is a long-standing favorite. By Rio Carroll
1920 Cadbury Dairy Milk goes purple Cadbury Dairy Milk started out in pale mauve with red script, in a continental style 'parcel wrap’ at its launch in The full Dairy Milk range became purple and gold in By Rio Carroll
1921 Cadbury script logo first appears The Cadbury script logo, based on the signature of William Cadbury, appeared first on the transport fleet in It was quite fussy to start with and has been simplified over the years. It wasn’t until 1952 that it was used across major brands. 1928Investment Begins in Cadbury Dairy Milk Ads A huge success from day one, Cadbury Dairy Milk first hit the shelves in But surprisingly, little money was put into advertising it until By Rio Carroll
During the War, rationing was enforced and raw materials were in short supply so it was a question of making do and concentrating on those products they were still able to produce Second World War Begins By Rio Carroll
The First Packaging Designing For These Four Favourites By Rio Carroll
Factory tours had always been popular but it was impossible to run a factory smoothly if it had thousands of visitors. In 1988 Cadbury began planning a visitor attraction to take the place of the factory tours Cadbury World Opens By Rio Carroll
The one thing that is unmistakable for years is the Cadbury's logo based on William Cadbury's signature. Also the glass and a half of milk Logo in their milk Chocolate and the purple and gold wrappers for the dairy milk product. By Rio Carroll