Inflation …. (Silent Robber)
Inflation: Define: –A sustained rise in the level of prices generally or a sustained fall in purchasing power of $ Measurements – Limitations (CPI)
CPI: Consumer Price Index Measures the changes in the price of goods and services commonly purchased by consumers. -They survey → what do people buy? -"Market basket" of products –200 items of different prices in different regions of the country. Housing, fuel, utilities, food, transportation, health care, apparel and upkeep, entertainment, misc.
Components of CPI
PPI: Producer Price Index Measures the changes in the wholesale prices PPI tend to lead the CPI as an Indicator Producers pay first
Both are used for Inflation Rate Rater of change in prices over a set period of time
Types of Inflation:
Hyperinflation: Rapid, uncontrolled rate of inflation in excess of 50% per month.
Deflation: a decrease in the general price level
Demand-pull: rises when total demand rises faster than production of goods and services
Cost-Push Inflation: when increases in costs of production push prices up
Wage-Price spiral: cycle that begins w/ increased wages, which leads to increased production costs, causes increased prices, which results in demand for even higher wages.
Impacts of Inflation: –Decrease value of $ Loans, borrowers, senior citizens –Increase interest rates Banks and lending respond b/c want to make $ –Decrease return on savings Discourage saving b/c purchasing power decreases
Inflation GDP Time Unemployment Unemployment Inflation $