Slide 1 Management Group on Statistical Co-operation March 2005, Luxembourg Donor Co-ordination Survey in the Western Balkan Countries (agenda item 6.1) Veronique van der Zande (survey and paper) Rob van Eck (presentation) Eurostat, Unit F3
Slide 2 Donor Co-ordination Survey, Western Balkan Countries Survey Characteristics Annual survey, January 2005 Countries covered: –Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, incl. Kosovo National programmes and Regional programmes Survey of beneficiaries as well as donors Effective response: 28 out of 56 Still reasonable picture because, in principle, a response by either the beneficiary or the donor could provide the required information.
Slide 3 Donor Co-ordination Survey, Western Balkan Countries Scale of Statistical Co-operation Largest donors observed: EU, Sweden (SIDA), UK (DFID), Italy, IMF Order of magnitude for completed, ongoing and future projects: tens of millions EUR Altogether between 50 and 100 million EUR? Relatively much attention on Kosovo
Slide 4 Donor Co-ordination Survey, Western Balkan Countries Problems Encountered in Stat. Co-operation I AVAILABLE PROJECT TIME –Implementation time too short, being reduced STAFF in NSIs –Staff shortage, turnover, inadequate absorption capacity FINANCING –Erratic procedures, late payments TRAINING –Need for English; not enough practical work in training
Slide 5 Donor Co-ordination Survey, Western Balkan Countries Problems Encountered in Stat. Co-operation II STATISTICS –Bad basic data; poor basis for sample surveys PROGRAMME DEFINITION –Overambitious objectives compared to available time and inputs –Too many areas covered –Insufficient donor co-ordination ORGANISATION in NSS –In adequate co-operation within NSS –Conflicting priorities and resource allocation –Lack of preparation for missions of technical experts
Slide 6 Donor Co-ordination Survey, Western Balkan Countries Albanian Projects Sweden (SIDA): Economic Stats, ICT, HBS, LFS EU: Institutional strengthening, focus on regional EU: NA, Agr, NSS co-op. Various: Population Census Norway: Civil registration SIDA: SBS, STS, BR IMF, Italy: NA Global Assessment: Jun 2005 Stat. Programming, management: 2004 Note: The rectangular surfaces above give an indication of the size of the donor contribution
Slide 7 Donor Co-ordination Survey, Western Balkan Countries Analysing the Need for Donor Input – Areas I Key Statistical Infrastructure (long investment period) –Classifications –Business Register –National Accounts (e.g. SUT/IOT, PHC, Constant Prices) –Business Statistics –HBS –LFS Censuses –Population –Economic –Agriculture
Slide 8 Donor Co-ordination Survey, Western Balkan Countries Analysing the Need for Donor Input – Areas II Crucial Statistical Areas, various –External trade –Agriculture –Regional statistics Crucial Statistical Areas, finance/prices –Government finance stats –Monetary stats, banking –Prices: CPI, PPIs –PPPs
Slide 9 Donor Co-ordination Survey, Western Balkan Countries Analysing the Need for Donor Input – Areas III Social Statistics –Labour market –Health; Vital stats –Other social stats Institutional capacity/infrastructure –Training –ICT –Global assessments/ Master plans –Statistical programming / Strategic management
Slide 10 Donor Co-ordination Survey, Western Balkan Countries Analysing the Need for Donor Input – Checkmarking AlbaniaBosnia-HerzCroatia Business Registermore neededto startOK National AccountsOKmore neededOK ….. HBSstartOK, if IT continues …. Global Assessment … Note: OK means that the topic concerned is sufficiently covered by donor contributions for the period concerned. OK does not indicate that the topic satisfies all requirements of quality and harmonization.